End Of First Year

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Harry wakes up to Dumbledore stood by his bedside "Ah, good afternoon Harry." Dumbledore smiles. "Quirrell! Sir the stone!" Harry exclaims sitting up suddenly. "Calm yourself dear boy, the stone is safe. Now relax before Madame Pomfrey will have me thrown out." Dumbledore tells him. Harry nods and looks at the table to see what seems to be half the sweet shop on it. "Tokens from your friends and admirers. What happened between you and Professor Quirrell in the dungeons is a complete secret, so, naturally the who school knows I believe that your friends misters Fred and George are responsible for trying to send you a lavatory seat. No doubt they thought it was funny but Madame Pomfrey thought it unhygienic and confiscated it." Dumbledore tells him. "How long have I been in here?" Harry asks. "Three days. Mr Malfoy, Mr Weasley and Miss Granger will be happy to see you're awake. They have been extremely worried." Dumbledore responds. Harry nods "What happened to the Stone?" he asks the headmaster. "It has been destroyed. Nicholas Flamel and his wife have agreed it's time. They have enough elixir to sort their affairs." Dumbledore explains. "With the Stone gone does that mean that Vol- I mean You Know Who-" "Say his name Harry, fear of the name increases the thing of the thing itself." Dumbledore tells him cutting in. "Yes, we'll. Does that mean that Voldemort is go to find other ways to come back?" Harry asks. "Yes it does. He is still out there looking for a new body to share, he cannot die. He felt Quirrell dying so left him. Just goes to show that he has little mercy for his followers aswell as his enemies." Dumbledore explains. "Why couldn't Quirrell touch me?" Harry asks puzzled. "Your mother died protecting you. It is one thing that Voldemort can never understand, love. It left its own mark on you, it hurt to touch something that powerful." Dumbledore explains.

Harry looks at the Professor "Was it you who sent me my Father's cloak?" Harry questions. "Yes, your father let me borrow it before he died. I never had the chance to give it back. They're very rare and useful. James used to use it to steal food from the kitchens with his friends." Dumbledore responds. "There is one thing Professor, Quirrell said that Professor Snape knew my Father. That he hates me because he hated my dad." Harry tells Dumbledore. "They did know each other but they were rather like you and Mr Nott. However at one point your father saved his life, Professor Snape believed that by trying to protect you this year he would somehow repay the debt." Dumbledore explains to him. Harry's eyes widen slightly. "One final thing, how did I get the Stone out the Mirror?" Harry questions. "Ah, only someone who wanted to find the Stone but not use it could get it. Now that is enough talking, I suggest you start on your sweets. Ah, Bertie Bott's Every Flavoured Beans, when I was in my youth I came across a vomit flavoured one. However I this I'll be safe with a toffee one. Alas, Earwax." Dumbledore says popping a golden bean in his mouth before leaving.

The next day Harry left the hospital wing and headed to find his friends, spotting them he runs over with a smile. "Harry!" Draco grins hugging him, Hermione and Ron joining straight after. "When did you get out the hospital wing?" Ron asks his friend. "Just now, I came straight to find you three." Harry explains. "Come on we've got to get to the end of year feast." Hermione tells the boys before leading them to the hall where they sit with Fred, George and Percy. Harry looks round and sees the Slytherin banners up, showing that Slytherin had one the house cup. "Another year gone! Now before we sink our teeth into our delicious feast I have a few things to say. First, what a year this has been! Hopefully you have all learned a lot and are ready for summer. Next, I understand we still need to award the House Cup. As it stands Gryffindor has 312 points, Hufflepuff has 352 points, Ravenclaw has 426 points, meaning Slytherin are in the lead with 492 points." Dumbledore is cut off by the whole Slytherin table cheering and stamping.

"Yes, we'll done Slytherin. However certain events must be taken into account so I have a few points of my own to award. First to Mr Ronald Weasley for the best game of Chess the school has ever seen, I award 40 points." Dumbledore starts. Gryffindor cheers, with Percy praising Ron on beating McGonagall's Chess set. "Second to Miss Hermione Granger for courage and enlightening plans in the face of peril, I award 40 points." Dumbledore continues. Hermione turns and deep shade of red as Gryffindor cheer again for their house mate. "Third to Mr Draco Malloy for  the use of cool logic in the face of fire, I award 40 points." Draco bites his lip and looks at his plate as Gryffindor cheer once again. "Forth to Mr Harry Potter for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award 50 points." The Gryffindor table cheer as Hermione turns to her friends "We're tied with Slytherin." she tells them as the table quieten down. "Finally, there are all types of courage. It takes a great deal to stand up to our enemies but more to stand up to our friends. I therefore award Mr Neville Longbottom 10 points." Gryfinndor cheer loudly as Neville disappears under a pile of people hugging him. Ron nudges Draco and Harry before motioning to the Slytherin table. They all laugh when they see Nott frozen with a look of stunned horror on his face. "Which means we need a little change of decoration." Dumbledore concludes, with a wave of his hand the Slytherin banners turn into Gryffindor ones.

The next few days go by in a blur. They get there exams results and find that they have all passed, Hermione being top of the class in everything. The four friends sit in a train compartment together playing exploding snap and eating sweets as the muggle tows and villages speed past. Jumping off the train they see Molly, Narcissa, Wendall, Monica and Sirius all stood together. Harry grins and hugs his Godfather "Happy to see me Progslette?" Sirius asks him. "Don't know what you're talking about." Harry smiles. Laughing Sirius lets Harry go to greet the other adults. Sapphire slithers out Harry's hood and looks round at everything as they go through the barrier "Saph, back in the hood." Harry tells her quietly. "Sssorry." Sapphire responds curling back up in his hood. Just then Harry spots the Dursley's by the entrance of the train station. "You ready boy?" Vernon asks. Harry glares at his uncle as Sirius places a hand on his Godson's shoulder "Actually Harry will be staying with us til the last week of August. This letter explains everything." Narcissa tells the muggle man politely while handing him a letter. Vernon takes it and reads it quickly "Very well but I won't be picking him up from anywhere." he retorts before leading Petunia and Dudley over to his car. Harry laughs "Dudley looked terrified." he comments. "Oh I forgot to tell them in the letter that you aren't allowed to use magic outside of school. Oh well, remember to tell them in August when you see them." Narcissa winks at Harry. Smiling Harry takes Draco's hand as they head over to the hired car to go home.

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