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"Jun-ho." Jimin greeted, shaking the male's hand firmly before he walked past him and into the beach house, examining the place.

Jun-ho raised his brows, sticking his hand out for Taehyung to shake, but the male only squinted his eyes at him and slapped the hand away, following Jimin. Okay, yeah, Taehyung didn't trust him, so what?

It wasn't his problem! From the day the two men met, Taehyung was distant and cold to him. He refused to give Jun-ho any information unless it was required or unless Jimin forced him to.

It was rather annoying for Jun-ho. To know who your loyalty was with, yet still being distrusted by someone who could easily pursuay your boss? That wasn't the best feeling.

Jun-ho sighed out, "Okay then." He shut his door and turned around, following the two men into his current house and finding himself in his kitchen. Ha, leave it to these two to make themselves at home.

Jimin was already pouring himself a glass of wine, while Taehyung had nothing. Knowing him, he probably didn't trust anything in this home.

"Alright then. What's all this? I thought I was supposed to stay here for another few months." Jun-ho went straight to business, pulling out a stool at the island in the middle of the large kitchen and sitting atop of it.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he scooted his stool to the left a bit, putting some distance between the two.

Jimin smiled, turning around and swirling the wine in his glass. "Change of plans. Yoongi is.. how do I say this?" He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth, sucking in air harshly. "Uncooperative, still. I can see his exterior beginning to crack, but I realized I was going about this all wrong. Yoongi's different, you see. He won't crack for himself, no."

He paused to laugh, taking a long sip of his wine. "But he will crack if others are at stake."

Jun-ho furrowed his brows, shaking his head ever so slowly. "I don't follow." He rested his elbow on the island countertop, his face showing a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

"I want him to see you. I want to bring you in and have you ask a few questions. I want him to see just how played he was, do you understand that? It'll start as a small piece of wood wedged between the crack, but soon enough, that crack is going to become a split. That split in his exterior will become a gap, which will allow us to get the answers we need."

Realization dawned on Jun-ho, the color draining from his face. "Oh." He gasped, his nails digging into his palms. "But- but I'm not comfortable-"

Taehyung's deep laugh cut him off, the male turning to look at Jun-ho with a raised brow. "Plans change, Jun-ho. Are you going to decline this? It's not an offer. It's an order. An order you're going to follow."

Jun-ho bit his tongue to keep himself from snapping at the man, settling for rolling his eyes and turning to Jimin. "Okay. When?"

Jimin clapped his hands together, his wine glass already on the countertop to keep from spilling. "Tomorrow. I'm driving you back today, you need to pack your bags."

Well, that happened fast, Jun-ho thought. Jun-ho didn't complain, he just nodded and quietly left the room, heading for his bedroom. As soon as he did, Taehyung opened his mouth.

"He hesitated."

Jimin agreed, but shook his head. "He had to think." He licked his lips, staring off in the direction Jun-ho had walked off into.

"No, he shouldn't have to. There shouldn't be a decision other than 'yes.' His body language suggested he didn't want to do it." Taehyung pointed out, his jaw locked tight in frustration. Sometimes, Jimin was a little oblivious, in Taehyung's opinion. No doubt he was smart, but it appeared he didn't always think some people through.

Part of that was because he knew Jimin wanted to trust his subordinates, but he also knew Jimin knew better. Jimin would make the right decision in the end, that's all there is to it.

"We'll keep him in check if he gets.. lost." Jimin whispered, slowly grabbing his wine glass and bringing it to his lips, throwing his head back and drinking the rest like water. Refreshing.

Happy with the answer, Taehyung let out a noise of agreement. "I'm going to check in with Jungkook, Hoseok, and Seokjin. Namjoon said to leave him be."

Jimin couldn't help but snort. "Since when do you listen to Namjoon? Last I-"

"Oh shut the fuck up, I don't listen to him and you damn well know it. I'm just letting him work, unlike some people we work with." Taehyung huffed, walking out of the beach house and slamming the door loudly, already on his way to their car. More burner phones were in the car, but he didn't need them. He was going to use his ear piece.

The six men, Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jungkook, Seokjin, and Taehyung all had ear pieces that connected to each others. Subordinates, lower ranks, all had one too, but theirs came in through a different signal. Basically, they couldn't hear the conversations between the six, as they were private.

As soon as the door slammed shut, Jimin chuckled. He loved getting under Taehyung's skin sometimes. It was funny how easy you could twist his panties.

Getting up from his chair, Jimin followed Jun-ho's trail, his eyes a bit darker than earlier. He walked down the hall slowly, eyeing every door he passed till he reached the last.

He rapped his fist on the door, not waiting for an answer before he let himself into the room, shutting it quickly. Jun-ho was sat on the end of his bed, folding his clothes and packing them into his suitcases. Upon hearing the door open and close, he glanced at Jimin before returning to his work.


"I don't know what game you're playing, but I don't like it." Jimin interjected, his face expressionless as he stared at the man. There was no doubt there was some hesitation with Jun-ho, and Jimin didn't like it.

As much as he kept a calm exterior, most times, and was polite, most times, Jimin knew when to flip the switch. This was one of those times, unfortunately for Jun-ho.

"I- I don't- I have no idea what you mean." Jun-ho replied, his voice not as stable as he thought it would have been. His movements were a lot slower as he placed the last piece of clothing in the suitcase, shutting it and zipping it up.

"Don't play dumb with me. You expect me to think you spent months with him and didn't form a bond?" Jimin questioned, taking a step toward the male. "Don't take me for a fool, Jun-ho. I know you. I hired you. I know who you are and your personality.. can you continue? I can always find someone else-"

"No!" Jun-ho shouted, looking up at Jimin with wide eyes. The gaze that was on him made him want to back into a corner, but he couldn't. That was weak. "I can do it! I'll just put my feelings aside. I apologize for making you doubt me, sir, but I'm fully capable of doing this. You can count on me."

In a flash, Jimin was smiling again and clapping his hands together, his rings making the tiniest clinking noise. "Prove me wrong, then. Be out in ten, no later."

When Jimin left the room, Jun-ho breathed a heavy sigh of relief. People underestimate Jimin. He can be one person one second, and in another, a completely different person. It was scary how fast he could switch from being kind and polite to cruel and violent.

That was why you never try crossing him. That was why Jun-ho refused to cross him.

i'm tired more than usual so i will be ~ exempting ~ myself from this note.....

.....also because i literally can hardly keep my eyes open but um-

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