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Yoongi had a lot of bad habits. Biting his finger nails when he was nervous or stressed, lying about aspects of his life because of his paranoia, getting himself wasted when he didn't want to deal with life, and of course smoking.

Smoking wasn't something he enjoyed one bit. He just picked it up one day and used it whenever his paranoia got bad. It was a goal of his to get off, but everytime he tried, he'd fall back in the routine.

That was the reason he was smoking now. The young male was on the balcony of his apartment building, the one all guests were allowed to use. A cigarette rested between two of his fingers, the man leaning his arms against the railing.

He released a puff of the smoke in the air, scrunching his nose at the smell. The smell was one of the things he hated most. Yoongi pulled his phone out, staring at Aron's contact.

To call or not to call.

Without giving it another thought, he tucked the device back into his pocket.

Yoongi took the cigarette and threw it on the ground, stepping on the thing and twisting his foot to put the fire out. After doing so, he put it in the trash can near himself.

Three AM. He had work, yet he was still up.

After giving it some more thought, Yoongi pulled his phone back out and clicked on Aron's contact, his thumb hovering over the call button. Yoongi pressed it, bringing the phone to his ear.

The phone rang and rang, till finally it stopped. Of course Aron wasn't going to pick up, it was three in the morning.

"Hey.. it's Yoongi." Yoongi leaned against the back of the railing, looking down at his feet as he kicked a stray pebble around. "I really don't know why I'm calling. It's three am and I'm disturbing your sleep, fuck. Okay well, this was nice, nice call yeah. Well. I'll see you tomorrow, please don't bring this up. Bye." Yoongi facepalmed as soon as he hung up, groaning at his stupidity.

"You know, usually I'm the one calling my exes at three am." A man said, startling Yoongi, who had thought he was alone.

"Were you eavesdropping on me?" Yoongi deadpanned, raising a brow and crossing his arms. The man who stood before him wore a black coat over his pajamas, which were a pale blue.

He sputtered, "N-no! I mean- okay yeah, I was. But before you get mad, I was coming out here and I heard you talking, that's al-"

"I don't care, I was just leaving." Yoongi pushed past the tall male, but a grip on his arm alarmed him. In a flash, he slapped the arm off of him and pulled the other male's arm behind his back. "I did not give you permission to touch me. Keep your hands off of people you don't know."

The man groaned in pain, trying to laugh in understanding. "Okay, okay, I apologize. I just- I wanted to know if everything was okay. Usually it's just me out here at this time, I was surprised to see another."

Yoongi looked down at his hands, where he was holding this man by his arms. He let go, knowing he could be in trouble if he were to continue. "I don't believe I know you, therefore I have no reason to share my life with you." Yoongi turned around and began walking back to his room, when the stranger stopped him in his tracks by speaking again.

"Good night, Yoongi."

The words were so simple, yet they sent a shiver down his spine. Yoongi didn't bother responding, instead he speed walked to his room. No, he hadn't told him his name. Yes, the man had eavesdropped on him when he said his name. There, logical explanation.

"I just need some sleep, that's all." Yoongi told himself as he locked his door, though he couldn't deny that the words felt like a lie on his tongue. He was feeling rather eager to get back to work. Work sucked ass, yeah, but it had a few of his friends.

"What has you looking like a corpse?" Jun-ho asked with a slight smile, nudging his elbow against Yoongi's side. In response, Yoongi grumbled, but made no move to stop him.

Yoongi rubbed at his eyes, dropping his head down on the table. "I woke up at two and didn't sleep till five. I just want to sleep." He mumbled out, lifting his head a few seconds later and grabbing his sandwhich, taking a bite with closed eyes.

Jun-ho frowned, taking another drink of his soda before he set his salad bowl down. "Why? Nightmare again?" He reached across the table and grabbed Yoongi's hand, looking into Yoongi's eyes with concern.

Because Jun-ho didn't know the cause of the constant nightmares, he couldn't help. Perhaps he couldn't help at all, irregardless he would have liked to try.

Yoongi also refused to tell anyone what happened in the nightmares. It was weird, especially for his close friends. Alas, Jun-ho had accepted the fact that his friend was defensive and closed off. Secrets were what Yoongi knew best.

He shrugged, chewing the rest of his food. "Nah, just couldn't sleep. I just need a nap, wake me when break is over." Before Jun-ho could respond, Yoongi had already let go of his hand and dropped his head down on the table.

Jun-ho only smiled and shook his head. He pulled out his phone, clicking on one of his many social media apps. He always wanted to follow Yoongi, however the male always said he didn't have any.

Which was a little weird. It's twenty-twenty, who doesn't have some kind of social media?

After being sure Yoongi was asleep, Jun-ho went to google and searched, 'My friend cant sleep bc of nightmares.'

He looked up, staring at Yoongi's lips. Soft air puffs were coming out in short bursts, moving his hair from his forehead. Jun-ho was determined to get to the bottom of his nightmares, even if Yoongi didn't want him to.

YES I changed the name of the book!

Hellooo! How are my gorgeous babes? I'm doing fine today, nothing special ik, but I've got a sugar cookie on the way and that's lifting  my mood immensely. Sugar cookies are a superior cookie and no one can convince me otherwise. :(

Remember to keep practicing social distancing, be mindful of what your friends are going through [it's still a pandemic], and keep up your water intake!!!

Friendly reminder: Although masks are optional in some stores [where I live, at least], you should be wearing a mask the majority of the time. There are people with conditions that make them more susceptible to contracting the virus. As well as people with weak immune systems who won't be able to fight it off. :)

I love you, please stay safe and happy, stay hydrated [important], be kind to others, and you're so v important to me. ♡

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