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"Please, please, you have to help me!" Shi-yoon begged, tears rolling down his face as he gripped the officer's clothing, nearly dropping to his knees. "There's a shooting, and- m-my s-son is in the-" He broke off with a sob, his wails loud, attracting the attention of multiple other policeman and policewoman.

As if on cue, screams outside the building erupted from nearby. Gunshots were able to be heard in the distance, making their eyes widen.

"Sit down, don't move!" The man ordered, pulling his pistol from his belt and walking over to the door, slamming it open as he slowly walked out to examine the situation.

Outside, Seokjin cursed loudly, taking cover behind a vehicle as bullets flew into the other side of the vehicle. Reloading, he quickly inserted another clip of ammo in his pistol before he stood back up.

Seokjin quickly aimed at the man walking out of the building, sending a few bullets past his head to scare him. The man immediately took cover, probably calling for back-up.

His thought was confirmed when Shi-yoon wailed into his ear piece, saying, "My baby, please get my baby!" Which was code for back-up was on the way.

Seokjin's arm hardly jerked back as he fired, the sound of gunshots ringing through the air as the distraction team continued to fire. He grunted when he saw a bunch of police coming out of their building in bulletproof vests, but the smile on his face showed he was happy.

Or, the smile behind his mask, anyway.

Automatic guns. Seokjin had barley thrown himself to the ground when the glass behind him shattered, the bullets hitting right where his head was.

Seokjin's back was flat against the ground, the smile never leaving his face. Speaking fast into his ear-piece, Seokjin's breathing was picking up. "Hold them back, I don't care if you take a life or two, three, or eight. Just don't let them retreat until Shi-" Seokjin paused as he heard sobbing, but this wasn't typical sobbing.

The sobs were tiny. Childlike. Rage filled the male, the man quickly getting into a crouched position and looking around himself. Sure enough, cradling himself in a circle under a car on broken glass, was a boy. A young boy.

Seokjin continued speaking into his ear piece, though this time, he was shouting. "You got an actual fucking child?" Seokjin screamed, but it fell upon deaf ears to anyone near him. "Shi-yoon, I'm going to fucking kill you if those cops don't figure you out. I will literally strangle you, you pathetic excuse of a man! And this time, I'm not holding back."

On the other end, Shi-yoon repressed a laugh, keeping his cover as he covered up any smiles with more sobs.

While he found it funny, the other subordinates didn't. They could hear it. They just knew Seokjin was shaking with anger, and they fucking knew he wasn't kidding. This was one of the first times Seokjin was actually ready to kill Shi-yoon, with or without permission.

"Cover me or so help me I'll have all of your heads!" He spat, standing up without a second to spare and sprinting over to the car, which wasn't the closest. To help cover himself, he pointed his pistol towards the police, shooting carelessly while he kept his eyes on the car.

If someone didn't get the kid, he could die in the commotion. Seokjin wouldn't stand for that. There were few things he didn't do, and he did not kill kids.

As soon as he was close enough, he dropped into a somersault, quickly shoving his body against the car as the bullets collided with the metal on the car. Seokjin got down on his knees, holding his hand out for the little boy under the car.

"Hey, hey, come here.. I'll get you to safety, okay? You need to come out though!" Seokjin reached for the little boy, who was practically shaking with fear. It probably didn't help that his voice was shaking.

Shi-yoon's voice came in his ear. "Seokjin, don't risk your life for a kid, it's ridiculous. Just let him be. After all, mission is always number one priority, right?"

In a flash, Seokjin pulled out his ear piece, threw it on the ground, and crushed it with his gun. Fuck Shi-yoon.

"Fuck. Alrighty then. Hey, I need someone to call for Namjoon, I'm pretty sure he's going to kill me."

Another voice. "I'm on it."

While Shi-yoon was having the time of his life pissing Seokjin off, Seokjin couldn't get the younger boy to respond to him.

"Your Eomma! Yes, do you want to see your Eomma?" Seokjin asked frantically, his brows furrowed in concentration. He all but cheered for joy in his head when the little boy nodded, fat tears rolling off his face. "I'll bring you to her! I'll get her for you, you just have to be brave. So, so brave for me and you'll see her. Can you do that for me?"

The little boy let out another sob, shaking his head vigorously as he slowly started crawling towards Seokjin, his face a flushed pink as small shards of glass made their way into his palms.

Once he was close enough, Seokjin grabbed him and pulled him on his lap. At most, he had to be around five or six. Seokjin's heart sank to his stomach when the boy clung to him, his small head fitting perfectly in the crook of the elder male's neck.

At this time, Seokjin regretted destroying his ear piece, but he knew if he heard Shi-yoon's voice again.. shit wouldn't be good.

With the sobs, gunshots, screaming, and shouting in his ears, it was hard to think. The only thought he had was to feign surrendering or run.

Seokjin held the back of the boy's head, squeezing his eyes shut as he worked out a plan in his head. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

I wish I was one of those people with the great attention span, but I'm the kind of person who has to have multiple tabs open while writing because I can't concentrate on one thing.

I'm p sure I got around 10 hours of sleep, so I feel pretty great. ;) hope you slept well & your day is going good! Ilysm and you mean the world to me.

You should stay hydrated & healthy - so grab your cup of water and grab a healthy snack. (Or unhealthy snack. I'm gonna grab some Tostito chips. ;) ) ily & stay safe!!!

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