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"What's the problem? Fucking tell me, because I don't get it!" Yoongi screamed, tears gathered in his eyes as he slammed his hands on the table, silencing his parents, who sat at the dinner table.

His Appa only laughed fakely, setting his spoon down on his napkin. "I don't know what you mean. Son, nothing is wron-"

Yoongi laughed, wiping at his eyes while his Appa stared up at him with a confused face. "You don't know? You don't know?" Yoongi's voice got louder with every word, anger bubbling inside of him. "Liar! I have done everything I can to make you proud! I- I worked hard in school for perfect grades, I got into college, I joined the police force- Appa, Eomma, I was promoted! I'm a detective now, one of their damn best, but neither of you seem impressed. I did this for you two, but it's not enough!"

"Stop it!" Mr. Min shouted, rising from his seat and glaring at his son. "No more nonsense, shut your mouth and eat your dinner." Mr. Min stared at Yoongi, the two men not backing down.

Yoongi was aware of the tears rolling off of his face, but he couldn't seem to care. The pain that engulfed his heart was overwhelming. He didn't understand. Why was he not enough?

"No." Yoongi whispered, making his Appa and Eomma frown deeply. "I'm leaving. I've tried to reconnect with you two, but you haven't changed one bit. You can't say I haven't tried." Yoongi grabbed his coat off the back of his chair, not bothering to put it on before he jogged over to the door, but the next words stopped him in his tracks.

"You're a failur-"

Yoongi awoke with a huge inhale, but the cold that enveloped his body was what made him gasp. It was freezing. Looking down at his body, he saw he was wearing his white t-shirt and his black pants. No shoes and no socks. Although, he was drenched in cold water.

..and standing over a drain?

Around him, the walls reminded him of the walls you would see at some mental institutions. Soundproof, they had to be. The floor for sure was cement, cracked in some places. Above him was a metal rod, hung to the ceiling by more chains. There were two lights on the sides in front of him, also hung by the ceiling. The room appeared big, allowing him to assume there were two more lights behind him.

Yoongi looked up, instinctively trying to bring his hands down to protect himself from the masked man. Yoongi turned his head to his hands, which were chained above him on a metal rod. He yanked again, trying to get the chains to fall off his wrist.

"It won't work." The man said, sending a shiver down Yoongi's spine. Those simple words made him stop his actions. It wasn't the words that scared him. It was the voice. The voice he could never forget.

Yoongi was frozen, looking down at the ground to the right, breathing heavily. Looks like laying low wasn't enough.

"You seem to remember me, that's positively amazing." The criminal grabbed the bottom of his mask, lifting it off his face and tossing it across the room, chuckling. "Theres no need for hiding, then. So, tell me," Jimin paused, turning around and dragging a metal chair to the middle of the ground, in front of Yoongi. "Detective, how are you?"

Yoongi forced himself to face the man, tears threatening to spill from his eyes, making Jimin smile slightly. He said nothing, keeping his mouth clamped shut.

"Ah, I get it. My name, of course! For now, just call me Jimin." Jimin crossed his legs, dropping the smile as a dark look fell on his face. "Now answer. How are you?"

Yoongi spat on Jimin, snarling at the man. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" He screamed, bringing his leg back to kick the man, but a shock to his neck made him yelp and drop his leg, his hands pulling on the chains.

"Overwhelmed with anger." Jimin whispered as he wrote down the emotions, getting up and setting the clipboard down in a tray that hung on the wall. "Now, would you say that anger is towards me?.. or yourself?"

Yoongi clenched his jaw, trying not to bite, knowing there was a fucking shock collar on his neck. Although he was pissed, he wanted to know how Jimin found him.

Never once did he go out unless it was necessary, for a pretzel, or unless a friend dragged him out. Even then, that was rare!

"Doll, I asked you a question." Jimin said sternly, grabbing the back of Yoongi's head by his hair. He raised a brow, awaiting the answer to the question he asked.

Instead of responding, Yoongi began laughing hysterically. Yoongi threw his head back to the hand, his mouth open as he giggled endlessly. After a few short minutes of that, Yoongi shut himself up and turned his head to the side, resting the side of his face on his arm. "You want to ask me something, right? So ask, stop beating around the bush. It's-"

"It's polite, my dear." Jimin whispered, his face too close for comfort. Jimin tipped Yoongi's chin up with a single finger, though hummed when Yoongi yanked his head away. "But you wouldn't know. How is your friend doing? The one you've been using for your sexual pleasure, that is."

Yoongi snickered, turning his face away so he wouldn't have to look at the man. It was at that moment that he realized, Jimin had been watching him for some time now. Only just recently, he was extremely paranoid. But possibly the whole time.. and under his radar.

"Don't touch him or I'll-"

Jimin put a finger to Yoongi's lips, making a shushing sound. "Or you'll what? I don't think you're in any position to demand anything. Though, I'm sure with a little work, you'll get some freedom. Till you're done being a royal prick, you get nothing."

Yoongi snapped, jumping up and kicking Jimin with both of his legs. Jimin fell onto his back with a grunt, while Yoongi let out a silent scream of pain from his wrists. Definitely not his best tactic, but this vile human deserved no cooperation.

Jimin chuckled darkly, shaking his head as he sat himself up, one hand behind him. Looking up to meet Yoongi's eye, his eyes darkened. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll know the true meaning of regret."

Woopwoop this where it gets- ahem. It's a little darker from here on out.

I've been having such a huge want for orange juice & I don't know why. But I've literally bought so much of it and I'm still not sick of it SO it's a recommendation. ;)

You're beautiful, you know that? Oh, you do? Well, I'm still gonna tell you. You know what's hot? Drinking water! It makes you a sexy beast! I'm so sorry those words are just- I had to. I'll take my leave. I LOVE YOU!!

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