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Taehyung pushed the large utility cart forward, his grey janitor's outfit being slightly baggy on his torso. As he walked into the building, he whistled a soft tune.

A mask covered the lower half of his face, preventing any fumes or smells to infiltrate beyond it. Taehyung took a left turn, carefully weaving himself around customers until he stopped in front of a security guard.

The guard held the end of the cart, a clipboard in his other hand. "You're not Kun. We were expecting him." He raised a brow, silently asking for the reason why Taehyung was there and Kun wasn't.

Taehyung laughed softly, looking down for a nanosecond before he met the guard's eye once again. "Kun fell sick this morning. A shame, truly, I didn't have to work today either. I'll be filling in for him today, he should be back for next Friday." Taehyung rested his forearms on the handle of the cart, keeping the eye contact.

The guard sighed and held his hand out. Taehyung shook his head at this, standing up straight as he fished in his pocket for his phone. "He didn't want to send in anything, he's.. extremely sick, I'm sure you can understand. I'll give him a call for you, that way he can tell you."

Taehyung knew the man was eyeing him skeptically, but he didn't mind having the eyes on him. If he wanted to stare, that wasn't his problem. Ignoring the rest of his thoughts, Taehyung pulled up Kun's contact, dialing the number.

After many rings, the phone was answered. Taehyung licked his lips, clearing his throat. "Kun, buddy, why dont you tell this gentleman here that you sent me to do your job, hm?"

"I'm ready."

Taehyung tilted his head and held the phone up to the guard's ear, no hint of a smile on his face. After a small conversation finished with the two men, Taehyung put the phone back in his pocket and clapped his hands. "Marvelous, I'll be on my way now-"

"Wait." The guard held Taehyung's arm in a firm grip, but not tight enough for it to hurt. Taehyung merely glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, waiting for him to continue. "I need a picture. For your identification."

Taehyung clenched his jaw, slowly pulling his arm out of the hold. In his ear, he heard a small 'Remain calm.' "You really don't want my picture." Taehyung confessed, taking one step back and bringing his hands behind the straps of his mask.

"I think I do, take it off." The guard motioned to Taehyung's mouth before he grabbed the tablet next to him, pulling up the back camera.

Taehyung exhaled through his nose, peeling off his mask and staring at the back of the tablet, straight into the camera. He didn't smile, he just stared straight, keeping his face emotionless. His friends called it his 'resting bitch face.'

After hearing the click, he put the mask back on. "Great, now I have a job to do." Taehyung exasperated, his annoyance level rising high already. Grabbing the handle of the cart, he pushed forward to the elevator, which sat right next to a large staircase.

He clicked the button, turning his cart around and entering. As soon as the doors closed, he smirked and stared at the camera in the corner. The light went from a blinking red to black, indicating it wasn't recording nor working anymore.

Taehyung chuckled to himself, smiling when the ding sounded throughout the small box and the doors opened. Taehyung pushed the cart forward, looking both ways before he turned to the right, passing by one person as he left the elevator.

Once he saw the elevator doors shut and the long hall empty, Taehyung picked up his pace. The young male was on the second floor, two floors below the top floor. Four floors in total. It was a rather large bank, you could say.

As soon as Taehyung reached the end of the hall, he opened the first door on the left and entered, shutting and locking it right after.

"I'm in." Taehyung breathed out, ripping the janitor's outfit off and throwing it on the ground next to him. After that, he opened the utility cart with the key, smiling wide as he pulled out his black jumpsuit. It was similar to what a criminal in jail would wear, except it had no words, and of course it was black.

Taehyung grabbed the black, latex gloves. He snapped them on quickly, immediately going after the alcohol he had stored. Taehyung unscrewed the lid, grabbing a white cloth and holding it to the opening, dampening it.

Using the damp cloth, Taehyung cleaned his fingerprints off of  the utility cart handles and anywhere else he had touched. Taehyung had just began pouring more alcohol on the cloth when he heard a harsh knock on the door.

The noise made him freeze, his body stilling. In a flash, Taehyung screwed the cap back on and tossed it in the cart once again, doing the same with his previous outfit. Before getting up, Taehyung pulled out one of the black duffel bags, setting it carefully and quietly on the circle table next to him, unzipping it.

Grabbing the first pistol he saw, he cocked the gun and took off the safety, taking fast steps toward the door. He held his hand that had his gun behind his back, unlocking the door with his other.

Taehyung mouthed a silent countdown before he opened the door, his gaze deadly. Seeing who stood there, he rolled his eyes and yanked the person in by their arm, locking the door right after.

"Next time let me know you're coming, that's kind of what you do so I don't blow your fucking head off." Taehyung spat irritably at Jungkook,  who only raised his hands in defense.

"What crawled up your ass? Oh, and toss me mine, hurry up." Jungkook waved his hand through the air, catching his jumpsuit when it was thrown his way. Already having his gloves on, he didn't need to worry about cleaning any prints off of anything.

Taehyung glared at his friend, shaking his head in annoyance. Taehyung crouched down, grabbing two more duffel bags to set down on the table. One was filled with guns, specifically M16s, and the other was filled with a few masks, along with some extra ammo.

Jungkook zipped up his suit, walking over to the table and pulling out one of the M16s, smiling at the weight of it. "Run into any probl-"

"One of the guards took my picture, I need to get my hands on that tablet. And unless I'm suddenly interested in having my face plastered everywhere with a bounty over my head, I think I'm gonna need to grab that tablet."  Taehyung loaded another one of the guns before he unzipped the bag that held all the masks.

Jungkook shook his head with a smile, when suddenly he got an idea. Jungkook grabbed a magazine, pushing it into the gun while he spoke into his earpiece. "Namjoon, run a background check on all of the guards, specifically the one that Taehyung interacted with. Did you see him on the cameras?"

"Yeeepp, already on it. I should have thr information in a few minutes, wait for my word."

Taehyung threw the bag of masks on the ground, looking at Jungkook with a hard glare. "Are you fucking kidding me? I asked you one time to get masks, one!" Taehyung pulled a chair out and sat down, dropping his head on the table.

"Stop arguing. What's the problem?"

"He got us 'scary'," He paused, clenching his jaw, doing air quotes, and furrowing his brows at the sound of Jungkook snickering behind him. "Mickey Mouse masks. Fucking hell!"

I very much enjoyed writing this chapter! Things are gonna start heating up - extremely quickly - and yall are gonna hate me. ;) but that's how you know it's dark!

I went to my eye appt and.. ahem. I didnt know what to do with the contact solution. MY MIND BLANKED and I just sat there, blind as can be, and my contacts drying in my hands. Not my best moment.

They actually came out with a drink. It's super cool, has invisibility, not much flavor, and its hydrating! I present to you: water.
Stay hydrated ladies n gents. :) ily.

Through The Scope || YoonminTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon