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"What's the problem? Don't close your eyes on me now, you've got less than a minute left." Jimin teased while staring through one of the goggles at Yoongi's eye, seeing the lid flutter open and shut repeatedly. Looking down at his watch, he saw there were twenty seconds left. That forced him to squeeze the tube tighter, providing less oxygen to get through to Yoongi.

Yoongi's eyes screwed shut, the young male yanking on the chains holding his wrists. The feeling of not being able to breathe was too much. He felt lightheaded and he could see spots beginning to form in his line of sight. Yoongi was sure he was going to knock out, but then the tube was released.

The elder gasped harshly, breathing in all the oxygen he could get, for he was worried he wouldn't be able to breathe once again.

Jimin ripped the mask off, smiling cheekily and grabbing the sides of Yoongi's sweaty face with an excited aura. "You're doing so well! I'm so proud of you. You know what you look like you need?" Jimin tapped Yoongi's cheek rapidly with his left hand, preventing the male from sleeping. Drool slipped from Yoongi's lips and onto Jimin's right hand, but the man didn't seem to care a whole bunch. "Some water, you need some water. Detective, use your mind, you've got one hour left."

Yoongi's hair stuck to his forehead, sweat running down the sides of his face and down his neck.

Jimin let go of Yoongi to grab the glass of water, taking his sweet time.

While Jimin went on his quest, Yoongi only spit on the floor. Although he was still feeling lightheaded and he had a massive headache, Yoongi didn't want to cave. Not so easily. This wasn't even that bad. A little more pain to the ears and he was done for the day, that was easy.

Yoongi slowly looked up at his hand, yanking on it with a cry. He grunted, dropping his head as his body went limp. One of the things getting to him was the constant standing. His feet were killing him, but no way in hell would he let that short bit-

"Drink." Jimin tilted his head, lifting Yoongi's chin and prying his mouth open with his thumb. "Bite me and I'll bite you back, Doll." Were Jimin's next words, though he said them in such a calm voice, it seemed odd to hear.

Deciding he didn't want to be bitten, Yoongi tilted his head back and allowed the liquid to enter his mouth. At this point, he didn't care if the water was poisoned or dirty. When you've been in a hot room for over fifteen hours, water is water.

After allowing the glass to drain, Jimin removed his finger and the glass with a smile. "You're welcome."

Yoongi swallowed the water before he rolled his eyes lazily, blinking up at the ceiling multiple times as well as trying to stand properly once again. "I'm not thanking you." Yoongi scowled, his voice slightly painful to listen to.

Jimin didn't reply as he set down the glass at a table in Yoongi's line of sight. Instead, he hummed to himself softly, turned around, and began unbuttoning two buttons of his shirt. Probably because it was fucking boiling inside the room.

Yoongi scoffed, staring down at his feet. "My feet are sore." The male said randomely, but it wasn't really to Jimin. More so to himself to keep himself sane.

With that rubber mask on, it was only making him feel that much warmer. It was like you couldn't escape it and you couldn't cool yourself down. Fuck, even Jimin had some sweat on his face and body!

On the other hand, Jimin didn't seem to care too much. He was drinking down his own water bottle, staring right at Yoongi as he did so. Almost mockingly. After drinking half the bottle, he let out a relieved sigh and set the plastic down. "That's a shame. Cooperate and I'll move you to a chair, maybe give you some more water." Jimin teased with an amused expression, crossing his legs while he leaned against the wall.

Yoongi threw his head back, trying to think properly. "That's a shame. How about you come over here and I'll knock your teeth out you sick fuck." And this one wasn't a joke, for Yoongi definitely would do this if he could.

Jimin nodded, walking back over and grabbing the headphones off the chair. An amused chuckle left his lips at the slightest widening of Yoongi's eyes. "Wouldn't be pleasant. Alright Detective, final round." Jimin carefully placed the headphones over Yoongi's ears, the music not playing yet. Yoongi stared into Jimin's eyes, sweat dripping down his temple as he waited.

It was this thick silence, the suspense accompanying it. Jimin was practically smirking, that cruel man was smiling at the fear of another. It was times like this Yoongi wanted murder to be legal.

Then the music started blasting and a blindfold was slipped over his eyes.

"I've got my eye on him. He's at the police station." Jungkook held the binoculars up to his eyes, keeping them locked on his target. "Subject appears to be in distress, yelling at a few officers. Might want to check with the Detective to see if he told Aron about us."

"And how would he have done that?" Jimin's voice entered Jungkook's ear, seemingly already knowing the answer, but still asking.

"Couldn't. From what we saw, I don't think he told anyone anything. Even so, I believe you should try asking him if he did, just to be cautious. I'll keep you updated on Aron." Jungkook followed Aron's movements with his eyes, watching as the man stormed out of the station and to his car with clear anger written on his face.

Jungkook pulled himself to his feet, making quick work to pack his sniper rifle back into his bag, along with any other things he had pulled out. "He's on the move, I'll be following him from a close distance."

I AM SO EXCITED!! I have been craving this certain type of food.. I'm not sure true name nor how to explain it, BUT I finally get to grab that mf today. ;) that's happiness.

I also got a few chapters done this week, which is... a shocker, since I've been slow on coming out with them. Lmfao oh lordddd. I'm doing rather amazing. How have you been?? I hope well, otherwise I'll have to slap some happiness into your life.

Water is so hydrating on a hot day, but you need it way more often than jsut hot days. Act like every day is a hot day!! That'll teach you to keep your hydration intake up. I LOVE YOU!!

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