015 - Angel Where The River Flows

Start from the beginning

"Pheromones and animals." Flint announced. Phoenix knew he was implying something but didn't know what.

"She is seven months old now. I think you'll be able to figure it out yourself." He told Phoenix. "Why do you want to know?"

Phoenix wasn't sure exactly what to tell him. Every word would be a massive risk. If Honey knew she was friends with a house cat, he would go beserk. Cross-breeding was a sin in East-Forest since they wanted to keep their bloodline pure.

She gulped, glancing at Flint as if she was asking for help. "O-Oh nothing," She stammered. "I j-just wanted to k-know."

Honey nodded and glared at Flint. "What did you do?"

He shook his head defensively. "N-Nothing! I swear!" His gaze flickered to Phoenix then back to his brother, his eyes wide. "I swear this has nothing to do with me!"

"He's right. This has nothing to do with him." She told the tom. "I just wanted to know. It's fine, I'll figure it out myself."

Phoenix brushed past the two adults, heading up the rocky slope up north from where the pond was. It wasn't long until she arrived at her cave. She entered and pondered for a moment, wondering if the scents meant something. The cool breeze of winter could still be felt even inside the cave.

She sat down, her tail tapping on the floor. It was quiet. Phoenix was able to pick up the slight scuttling of bugs around her. She also picked up the rippling of the waters upstream. Her ears flickered. Wasn't that the same water stream that killed. . . Angel?

Of course it wasn't but by the sounds of splashing water and the way the wind howled made it feel as if it was. She could hear the screams of Angel, the blood oozing out of her and becoming one with the raging river. The roaring of the current around her could be heard again. Phoenix couldn't breathe or think properly. She panted heavily, scrambling to the corner of the cave where the screams got louder.

She laid down in fear, her paws over her ears as tears pricked her eyes but she closed them to keep it in. "Make it stop," She howled, her voice trembling with her body. "Please, make it stop! It's all my fault, she's already gone and it's my fault."

"Don't blame yourself, my love."

Phoenix lifted her head. Who was it? That voice was so familiar. There was no scent, no sign of footsteps. After a moment or two, the cat Phoenix longed to see again faded into existence. Angel stood there, her body looked as if it hadn't been touched at all. It was as if she had returned from the dead.

"You really are an angel." Phoenix breathed in awe.

Angel laughed at the statement. "Guess I am. As you could imagine, I have a new name. Angel Where The River Flows." She walked towards her old friend, the ground lighting up as her paws made contact with the ground. She leaned forward to touch noses with Phoenix, soothing the younger. "What is the matter, hm? Do you want to tell me?"

Phoenix sighed and moved her head away. "I don't know. It's just been difficult coping with the fact I've taken cats lives. I feel so guilty."

"That's how it is but you can't hold onto the past forever. It takes time but you must let go."

"How? How do I do that if everyone's going to hurt me?"

"No one will hurt you, you'll hurt yourself. That's what you do when you blame things on yourself. You've already started."

Phoenix nodded. She trusted Angel more than anyone. With a deep sigh, she removed her gaze from the molly before looking back at her with slight determination. "Alright then, how do I let go of the past?"

Angel pressed a paw onto Phoenix's chest. "Open up your heart. The heart finds the truth lying within your flame."

Phoenix blinked. "Is that some kind of prophecy?"

"It's whatever you want it to be, my love. Just know I'll always be here to guide you."

Angel stepped back and gave Phoenix a warm smile, her body slowly disappearing with the wind. "Remember." Her voice echoed as it too faded away.

"Wait!" Phoenix called out and reached for the molly but it was too late. By the time she had reached for Angel, her body was already a single wisp of smoke.

Phoenix sighed and looked down at her paws, her ears low. She saw Hawk sitting in front of her expectantly but didn't say anything to him. She didn't want to. She wanted to speak with Angel, she for sure had all the answers to Phoenix's unanswered questions.

Hawk flicked his tail nervously. "You know, she wouldn't tell you that if you couldn't figure it out yourself."

Phoenix nodded slowly. "I know. I know what I need to find out."

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