Chapter - 40

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When kit is coming out from the library after returning his books some guys surrounded him... But when kit is about to protest... One of them... Closed kit's mouth with a cloth... Which has sprayed with the  chloroform...

Wayo's p.o.v :

When am about to submit my some of papers to dean... Walking through the library building.... I caught a silhouette have been dragged to the back of library building...

"what the hell is happening here... "
I mumbled while frowning... Watching that going in front of me... I have a really bad feeling about it... So I moved slightly near to them,  while hiding myself... To know what exactly has been happening.

But what I saw,  was actually shook the hell out of me....
**what are these people doing to p'kit.. And where are they dragging him too.. **

I thought and also saw that p'kit isn't moving at all... I gasped and mumbled...
"why p'kit is in unconscious state... OMG.. Did they done anything to him... Then... Shit the baby and p'kit.... Both are in danger now... "

I really donno what to do now... And stupidly going on mumbling... Now my shifty brain isn't working too.... F*ck......


Just like that Wayo followed them closely but still carefully hiding from them...

When he saw those goons are dragging p'kit to that abounded building.... He immediately got out from his sacred place... But again his steps got halted... When he saw a person going into the building... While looking into every direction...

Wayo creased his brows and mumbled..
"what the hell is SHE doing here..." he thought for sometime and widened his eyes in doubt...
"may be she is the one who is actually behind this..... No... Way..... "

Yo' mumbled and fastened his steps... But again halted when he saw 2 goons are guarding the entrance... So he looked to another direction and slowly moved where the windows appeared... When he is looking and passing through those windows... He stopped his steps... When he catch some voices...

So he immediately snucked under the window... While kneeling... He got to listen the conversation which is going on between them... And he clearly remember one voice....

"okay... Fine... We did as you said... Now give us our another 50%of our share too... "
A goon who seems to be leader said to that woman..

" what I actually said... Is I'll give you your another 50 % after killing that slut... Not before that.... "

" I know exactly about our previous conversation... But there is something different with him... I want you to see 1st, then we will decide... "

" no... No more words.. That I want to hear from you... Don't waste anymore time now and just go and kill him... Did you get it... "
She slightly raised her voice on that goon...

" don't talk to us like that.... "

" you don't dare to show me your finger... Am giving you money.. So just zip your mouth and do what I said... And when I here his heartbeat is no more... Then your account is going to be full... Got it... Now show me where is he... I want to see him dying in front of my eyes... "

She said and moved with the goon to another room...
Wayo covered his mouth with his palm... And trembling a little bit... His forehead also started to getting sweat...
** that means they are planning to kill p'kit... Shit.... But Why.... Oh... God... What do I do now... **

He thought and peek through the window... He saw there are moving to another room..
Then he checked his surroundings and picked a bigger stone and throwed it to opposite side... So he can distract them a bit with the sound... And can do something before they return or search near him...

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