Chapter - 19

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Wayo p.o.v

"What the hell is he thinking and doing..." I mumbled, when i saw the picture and the captions on the forum page. I just stormed over to ming. I need to have a little hellish talk about this with him.

In the middle i called him asked whereabouts, he said that he is in his faculty canteen.

When i was at his said place , i just saw him with his fellow friends. I simply went to him and dragged him over to the another corner table where no one can come or listen to us.

"What the hell yo' ....... Slowdown... What happen..." Ming said with his annoying tone while caressing his not-so hurt ful wrist .

"YOU....say what happened.....really...!!!" I asked him in not so amused voice.

Ming didn't get to know what I've been referring to and asked..,
"Tch...Come on ...... Just tell me what happen.."

I asked him again " is that for real....that you and moowan are dating..."

Ming face scrunched little and frowned to what i asked and said
" What....No...a big still NO...but why so...why are you asking me this...even if  i did , i eventually tell you the first, do you get that..."

He said and sat over the corner of bench

"Then what the hell is this..." I threw the phone to ming chest, which he gladly accepted by catching it and saw...

"Aww....its just a rumor...." He said to me with his annoying tone.

"Fine....then could you explain me about that damn photo.... Why is she been clinging to you like that.." i also asked him with the same annoying tone.

"Come on yo'.... It's just a.... Friendly hug ......" He said but when i narrowed my eyes to him for some explanation he again said that

"Ok ok.... Actually she called me and said that,  she is really feeling down because of her parents scolded her for not getting highest grades. So i just accompanied her whole day, by spending time with her, with that she just hugged me tightly and thanked me for spending some time... That's it...and at that time may be some stupids clicked that it.."

He said while he raising his eyebrows, but i can see that there is something which i donno

"You say that .... It's just a friendly hug...but that photo clearly shows that , you are over her and she is totally over into you, like a real fucking couple..."

Ming runned his hand into the hair and said "yo'come on...i already told you the truth.."

If that is it by saying....then what about p'kit , i thought about this and asked him again
"Do you even think what  p'kit will think an..."
Ming cutted my words by gritting his teeth, stood up and yelled at me

"What the hell.. yo..."


Kit p.o.v

I followed wayo but i couldn't find him anywhere, when i was walking further and turned around i stopped on my tracks by listening a familiar voice and that belongs to ming.

"Yo...come on... I've already told you the truth"

"Do you even think ,what p'kit will be"

Yo's words got cutted down by ming with little yelling
"What the hell yo'...."

I want to go near to them and want to ask him directly, but i got stopped on my own his  next words


"Why are you always bragging him in between.... Always kit...kit...kit...KIT...shit...
You know what , i don't give a fuck do you get that.."

"Ming...." Wayo also yelled equally at his friend.

"WHAT....i already told you.., it's all over... It's just a bet between you and me, to get him into the bed.... I FUCKED him, I WON and it's over"

Wayo said & raised his hand and nearly going to give a slap to his friend but got stopped in his hand in mid air , when he listened to another voice behind him at the corner.

"Ming...." Kit voiced out while trembling and with the tears flowing on to his cheeks.

"P'kit" wayo widened his eyes...when he saw kit in that state.

"Wow...., What the hell do you want..." Ming growled and raised his voice on kit.

Kit got startled by his voice and also he can't believe that ming never talk to him like that, then y now he changed...

"Ming....y are you doing this , just......just tell me this is not the truth....the the thing..."
Kit asked while trembling and tearing..

.ming sneered at him,he thought that he can't have this more drama and said ...
"Yes.... It's the truth, you are just a bet for us...for me.."

Kit sniffed a bit but can't control his tears..
And asked
" said you love me ming... And i love you too... We shared everything...please just tell me that its not the truth..please..."

Kit cried more ...., He want to control his tears but he can't seem to control.

ming got frustrated over this and said...
"What love..... Which love....there is no love between us... We never get to say that love word so don't be foolish kit..."

" said you love me...." Kit said while crying more and continued in whisper ,which ming can hear clearly
"And we made love...too.."

Kit whisper it by trembling voice, but ming smirked and said..

"Don't be silly p'kit....there is no love word between us...and we didn't use the word 'love' too...
                 And one more thing p'kit, its just a sex between us because of a bet"

Ming said making kit cry more but he didn't stopped...he came near to kit, and touched Kit's face, running his finger from Kit's temple to his cheek and to his jaw line..and said again...
" also want me in the bed so.... desperately.... right na.... P'ki......"

Just then a furious and hard fist landed on the ming's cheek, which made him fall to the ground...and ming can taste something inside his mouth..


Hello guys  ....

Yeah that's a long chapter a head, but dont hate will get to the happiest and also a little sad part soon...

Thank you for reading my story...

***Guys am going to be little bit busy na... Due to our festival... NAVRATRI ...
So next update is going to be a little delay..
I hope u guys won't mind....******

Until then...

Love ♥ and peace ✌


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