Chapter - 30

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After the completion of weekend, phana and kit return to their dorm unit. Pha insists kit to stay with him or allow him to stay with kit., Because he is more worried about kit, and his dad said that for the upcoming another set of four weeks.....kit need to be very careful.... And need to take his meds, which is written by his father.

After a battle of talking, kit finally made his decision to stay at pha's unit , which is on the second floor, unless his..... it is on fourth floor. After getting inside the room, pha will make sure that kit got enough of his meal to intake and gave meds to kit in time.

When kit slept... He went out to meet forth ..., And talked about , how to execute their plan.... Forth took a leave when he got call from beam. Pha returned back to his unit and slept near to kit.

On the other side ming is standing outside of the door..... Thinking about to knock or to stay silent... He clenched his fist and drawn it near to the door to knock... But restrained again.
*May be he slept .... I don't want to disturb his sleep though...*
With that thought he left the kit's floor and went to his dorm.

Next day.... As usual, ming waited near the yo's dorm to pick him up... But also keeping his eye on a particular person. When that person came ming instantly smiled but that smile died... When he saw another person with him... And going together in that person's car.

He grabbed his wheel tightly gritting his teeth thinking about that... But got distracted when yo' knocked on his window.

"What happen... What are you thinking about..."

"Nothing.... "

"Uh... Ming can you pick me up at lunch... I need to go to meds faculty..."

Ming frowned a bit and asked why...

"Because... I need to meet suthee, he is having a notes about human circulation of blood and genetic genes.... I need that notes for my upcoming test... Angles said that he is having notes , and said to meet him at his faculty... So please.... Na...."

"Hmm... Fine..."
He said with a poker face but inwardly... He is smiling like crazy... About the thought of going to meds faculty.

At lunch when he came to meds faculty with yo... They met suthee...
Yo' is fully conversed with suthee about the notes and all.... But Ming's eyes are roaming around the faculty canteen...

But when he get to see p'kit. He again saw that annoying person beside him... Taking care of him... Like he is his boyfriend. He fisted his hand by seeing that view.

Yo' who completed his conversation, turned to ming and saw his clenched fist. He placed his hand over ming , thats when ming came out of that fuming state and smiled at yo' like nothing is happening...

This is been going like that for few days... Already... When ever ming able to see kit , kit is not alone at all. There will be always someone with him..., Either pha or beam or both.

One day... After kit slept..,pha went to kit's room and took some of his belongings. When he came out of kit's room, he saw a silhouette at the stairs... But just shrugged it off thinking about another student who may be stay in this dorm.

When he returned to his room.., he saw kit standing at the couch , nicely dressed up a bit... Kit who is fidgeting his fingers in his hoodie speak...
"Where were you..."

"Ohh... I just bought some of your belongings..., So you won't get tired by running up and down... For the time period..."

Kit just nodded and pha spoke again...while keeping those bags a side
"By the way, why are you dressed up..."

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