ninety four: dream au

206 11 13

     uh i saw this on pinterest. person a and person b hang out in their dreams and then try to find each other irl

misto pov
    it's only 9:30, but i cannot wait to go bed.

    okay, so, there's this boy i met in my dream—

     no, no, no, that makes me sound crazy.

     i keep having a recurring dream, kind of, and there's always another boy in it.

     i guess it's not necessarily a recurring dream, because it's not the same dream every time, it's like and alternate world, and i'm pretty convinced this guy is real.

     i've made a plan to find out how to meet him. i ask for his address and hope i remember it in the morning. a very fingers-crossed plan.

     i pull the blankets up and close my eyes, waiting to finally see him.


     when i lift my head up and open my eyes, i'm in a wide, flowery field. i look around and see another figure doing the same.

     just like always, i get up and walk briskly towards him. i gently push some of the weeds out of my path.

     when we finally meet, he pulls me against his chest, as he's quite a bit taller than me, and wraps his arms around my back.

     "it's been so lonely all day," he whispers. "though i guess it's always lonely here."

     we pull away, and he catches my hands, staring down at them.

     "yeah, about that. i have a question for you," i start.

     he brightens a little bit and looks at me in anticipation.

     this is it, i tell myself. this is when i meet this guy in real life.

     at the last moment, though, i chicken out. "um, is there anyone else here?"

     he smiles. "no," he drops his voice to a whisper. "it's just you and me."

     fuck, i'm gay. me, 30 times a day

     i smile back, but it's forced. what do i do?

     "tell me more," i reply, hoping that'll buy me more time to gain confidence.

yo yo yo this has been a draft for a really long time and i can't find the motivation to continue it but i really liked the concept 😌

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