fourty seven: tutor part 2

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"and that's why dolphins were jesus' least favourite animal." my really weird geography teacher states, just as the bell rings.
i collect my binder and practically run to english. i can't wait to see him. i nearly collide with three different people, but i keep walking.
i swiftly walk through the door and sit in my assigned spot. i stare intensely at the door, only to look away as fast as possible when tugger finally enters.
he sits beside me, carrying the pencil i gave him yesterday. "i forgot to give this back," he says, holding it out to me.
"keep it, i have plenty." i say, pushing his hand away.
"cool. thanks," he says, lowering his voice for the last part. "brand new pencil for me!"
i smile at his cuteness, but quickly force it down. he's not gay, he can't be.


at the end of the day, i'm standing at my locker when tugger taps me on the shoulder, holding a ripped piece of paper with an address written on it. "is 4:30 okay?"
i take the paper and say "yeah, that's fine. thank you."
"see you tonight." he smiles genuinely and walks away.
i have to suppress the urge to hold the paper against my chest.


tugger's house is within walking distance, so i leave at 4:20 (ha).
when i get there, i knock three times on the door and it opens almost immediately. i see tugger and he smiles once again. "come in!"
he leads me to the dining room table, where he probably doesn't do homework.
i set down my binder and sit down beside him.
i walk him through the differences between 'whether' and 'weather', and 'who's' and 'whose', and other not-so-obvious words that sound the same but are different.
"what are these called again?" tugger asks, referring to said words.
"homophones. the prefix 'homo' meaning the same, and the suffix 'phone' because... your phone makes noise?" i say, definitely not sounding as smart as i planned.
at this, tugger hums thoughtfully. "could you give me examples using the prefix with different words?"
"where are you going with this?" i ask cautiously, panicking. god, what if he knows i'm gay and is homophobic or something and hurts me?
he glances at my lips, biting his own.
"oh.." i say quietly. "i see..."
"can i, um," he says, leaning closer, still staring at my lips. "can i kiss you?"

hi idk why but i thought this was the cutest thing ever so merry christmas

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