fifty three: broadway because im bored af

404 15 15

     i have a lot to say so listen up

holy shit you guys
this book has 5,000 reads. first of all, why? most of my chapters don't even have a plot lmao
second of all, thank you. i promise i'm not crying rn. thank you!!!!! even if you don't vote or comment at all, you're amazing (but it would be kinda cool if you did ☕️🥺)
uh so 5k
is this the most read tuggoffelees book..? i don't think so, but i'm going to go check
     oh you're still here?? weird. but yea this is the highest read, specifically tuggoffelees wattpad book. it's prolly 'cause there's a whole bunch of chapters (that only have like 50 reads each lmao)
     but yea, thank you so much
blessed be, loves <3

also i'm gonna start double-spacing my chapters 'cause i felt judged. don't ask, idk why either

misto pov
     we all decided to hang out at rumpleteazer's tonight; we being myself, tugger, munkstrap, mungojerrie, victoria, cassandra, tantomile, and coricopat.

     teazer brought us snacks and alcohol, and by eight, we were all about three drinks in.

     teazer has a very fancy sectional couch, so the nine of us would easily fit, but naturally, i'm sitting in tugger's lap. i lay my head on his shoulder, and cass rolls her eyes at us.

     "could you two be any more affectionate?" she grumbles with extra sarcasm, staring at the bottom of her glass.

     "we could, but tugger's not into that. people watching us, i mean." i say with a sly smirk. only real ones will get it.

     "but you're just cuddling..? and we're all right here—" victoria cuts herself off as she realizes that i meant much more than cuddling. "oh," she says quickly, her eyes wide. she distracts herself by reaching for one of the cookies teazer made (she actually bought them, but she told me to tell you she made them).

     tantomile also reaches for one of the cookies, followed by coricopat.

     munkstrap rolls his eyes as well. "mistoffelees, we did not need to hear that," he says, pinching the bridge of his nose. "especially since it's about my baby brother."

     "i'm not a baby!" tugger interjects, but i put my hand over his mouth.

     "then don't act like one." munkstrap retorts, not being able to hide his smile.

     mungojerrie stands up. "how 'bout another round of shots?" he says, starting to walk towards the kitchen.


     "karaoke?" teazer offers, ready to turn on the tv.

     "only if it's broadway." coricopat says.

     "i literally don't know any other music genre." teazer says, her expression blunt. she tells everyone to close their eyes as she picks the song.

     the first chord plays, and everyone in the room says "awwww."

     we immediately start laughing, because, as james corden once said, "that is the most broadway reaction to the first chord of a song."

     "five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes," we sing, in what should be perfect harmony, but is definitely not, seeing as we're all drunk. i would like you to know that this autocorrected to "five hundred twenty five thousand genders" and that's definitely a sign.

     we sing through the entire song, and i'm smiling the whole time. when joanne's solo starts, i stand on the couch, take a deep breath and...
     absolutely scream that one note. as loudly as possible. ("measure, measure your life in loAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA") iykyk

that's a mood and a half tho innit?

also if you haven't listened to rent or even seasons of love, what tf are you doing????
    :) here's a bootleg.
     seasons of love starts at 1:28:31

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