seventy five: fireworks

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uh idk it's the 4th of july ig and teenage-tugger knocks on teenage-misto's window and they watch the fireworks together

misto pov
"happy fourth of july," i mutter to myself, switching off my lamp. pulling up my covers, i turn over and try to go to sleep.

i snuggle my head into my pillow and close my eyes. nothing happens, as if sleep just magically comes.

then, i hear a gentle tap tap tap on my window. i sit straight up and look at the window, horrified.

the window opens and tugger pokes his face through it. "hey."

"jesus fucking christ, it's just you," i mutter, throwing the covers off me and walking towards the window. "you scared me."

"sorry," he laughs.

"i thought i locked my window though..?"

"yeah, about that. i may or may not have broken your window lock," he says. "but that's not important."

"it's not?" i ask. "what if a murderer breaks in?"

"that won't happen"

"yeah? seems pretty easy, considering you could do it."

"what? kill you??"

"no! break in. you really are pretty dumb."

"hey!" he protests, not being able to stifle his smile. "that's not very nice!"

"so what exactly did you come here for? certainly not to be insulted," i muse. "sorry about that, by the way."

he glances behind him. my window is right above the porch, so he has something to stand on. "there are fireworks. we can see them so perfectly from here..."

"oh? a date, perhaps?"

"sure. whatever you want, cutie," he says, smiling lovingly. "are you coming or not, though?"

"fine, but we have to be really quiet, my parents are home."

tugger rolls his eyes, inching over to let me climb out beside him. "stupid parents, always getting in the way of our fun."

i pull the window shut, but i leave it open the tiniest bit so i can get back in. "if anything, i find their presence makes it more fun. it feels... dangerous."

he laughs. "if this is your definition of dangerous, you need to get out more."

i ignore him, using the wall to balance myself. tugger reaches out to take my other hand, leading me gently to where we can climb to the actual roof part.

tugger climbs up first, then helps pull me up. it's a little hard to balance on the sloped shingles, but we make it work.

i rest my head on his shoulder, and he puts his arm around me, letting his hand hang on to my pyjama shirt.

the first firework goes off; it's red and white, very patriotic.

"ooooooh. ahhhhhhh," tugger hums.

"you're such a dork," i say, swatting his stomach gently.

"but they're so pretty!" i can almost hear him smirk. "not as pretty as you though."

i smile and snuggle into him more.

there are a bunch more fireworks, and i end up nearly falling asleep.

tugger shakes my shoulder gently. "baby? you wanna go back inside?"

i stir and lift my head up to nod at him.

he helps me back down the roof and back into my room. the whole time i was thinking 'don't fall, don't fall, don't fall.'

i climb back into my room quietly. tugger leans over the windowsill. i peck him on the lips. "thank you for tonight," i whisper.

"of course. anything for you." he starts to close the window.

"wait," i say. "stay?"


"yeah, just for tonight?"

tugger smiles and reopens the window once again. "of course. anything for you," he repeats.

hi so a few things

1. this was cute but not my best work, y'know?

2. i have a fun little group chat on instagram with KittyBoomBoom7 and Erzasbest  where we talk about cats and a bunch of other random stuff. if you want to join it, hmu, my insta is i_am_sunstike

3. idk what else but this has 7k reads and i forgot to mention it in the last chapter and now it's almost at 8k and i'm really starting to realize how many people have read this book and it's kinda overwhelming so stop reading it (actually please don't, i need constant attention and validation)

edit: also this!!!!!!!!!!

edit: also this!!!!!!!!!!

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yay germany!!!!!!!

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