twenty six: bomba drama

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i really like bomba and tugger, so don't take it personally babes
this is a bit angsty, so uh. i guess we're doin' that now

•human au•

misto pov
my sister tells the hostess "table for two please," with a smile.
"nice one, vic. she's gonna think we're a couple." i mutter playfully in her ear.
victoria rolls her eyes and tosses a very blonde braid over her shoulder. "and? it's not like we'll ever see her again."
the hostess smiles comically, not hearing us, or at least pretending not to. "come with me."
she leads us through artfully assembled tables, some empty and some with people who are dressed very nicely. it appears victoria and i are incredibly underdressed.
the hostess stops at a small, tidy table. "your server will be with you in a moment."
"thank you." i say, sitting down across from vic. i happen to glance to my right, but quickly look away. there's a couple being quite intimate. a bit too intimate for a restaurant.
wait, one of them looked familiar...
i spare another sideways glance and my heart falls to the floor. there, sitting at a table, kissing someone else, is tugger.
he pulls away from bombalurina and notices me staring and glares at me before realizing that it's good ol' misto.
tugger's eyes widen and he looks from me to bomba to victoria.
"order without me, vic. i'll be right back."
i stand up and walk over to tugger. "can i talk to you outside for a sec?" i say, gritting my teeth.
tugger, thankfully, obliges and i walk briskly out of the restaurant and onto the sidewalk.
"well?" i say, throwing up my arms a bit.
"misto, please, she's just a friend-"
"friend," i scoff. "people don't shove their tongues down their friends' throats."
(unless... 👀)
"im sorry, i-"
i cut him off, "was i not enough for you? could i not satisfy you for long enough?" tears start welling in my eyes, and my voice cracks a bit.
tugger reaches for my arm but i pull it away. "you are misto, you're everything i've ever wanted-"
"clearly, i'm not. if i was, you wouldn't be with her."
"misto, really, im sorry. i'm so sorry"
"im the one who's sorry, tugger. i'm sorry for not being good enough, i'm sorry for being too boring, i'm sorry for-"
"excuse me, sirs," a different hostess says, peeking out of the restaurant doors and scrunching up her nose. "you're gonna have to come back inside— are you okay?" she cuts herself off, noticing me crying.
i wipe the tears from my cheeks and sniff. "yeah."
i follow her back into the building. she keeps walking, trusting we'd listen to her. bad idea.
i turn on my heel, facing tugger again. my breath becomes shaky. "you could've at least told me," i whisper, looking deeply into his eyes. "why?"
tugger hesitates. "i- i don't know.." he says, but it's his turn to cry. "i'm sorry, i don't know why, misto, please just-"
i put my hand up, silencing him (lol). "i don't want to hear it. you've lost all my trust."
"fine. fine, be that way." he says, his tone turning sharp. he pushed past me. "if you'll excuse me, i have a date who's waiting."
as soon as the door closes behind tugger, i sit on the steps. not being able to stop the tears. i cry so hard my eyes will definitely be bloodshot tomorrow.


i'm shaken awake. i open my eyes and look around. it's dark, but i'm able to make out tugger's features. i shift away from him. "what do you want?" i say, still not aware of the situation.
"are you okay? you were crying, a lot. was it a bad dream, baby?" tugger puts his hand on my back.
i stare at him. "i was dreaming? but it felt so real!"
"yea that's usually how dreams are," he laughs. i laugh too. "so what was it about?"
"it doesn't matter."

hi i'm sorry i made it not real, i just couldn't live with myself if that was real1!!1!

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