fifty seven: make me, part 2

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misto pov
tugger holds the door for me as i step out onto the porch. he closes it and lets me take his arm.

i let him lead me, because i couldn't care less about where we go, i just want to spend time with him. i guess that he'll take me to the man-made lake a few blocks from our house. and sure enough, he turns the corner that leads to the well-known path.

on the other side of the glistening lake, there is a small forest with walking trails. tugger takes me around the lake and into the woods (it's time to go i hate to leave i have to though—).

in the middle of the forest, there's a small clearing with a couple benches. the sunlight cascades down in mystical rays. it's truly magical.

tugger leads me to the bench closest to us, and we sit down at the same time.

"it's pretty today," i whisper, as if anything louder will disturb the wonder of it all.

"you know who else is pretty today?" tugger asks smoothly.

i giggle a bit. "who?"

"me," he replies.

i roll my eyes and smack his arm. "you're supposed to say me."

"yeah, i did." tugger challenges, turning to look me in the eye.

i let out an exasperated sigh and lean back, tossing my leg over his. he slips his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"i was just kidding, you know," he whispers. "you're beautiful. always."

the camera pans away and it fades gently to black, the words "the end" in fancy light pink writing appear—

hi i almost cried writing the end of that holy shit

also!!! i found this today:

also!!! i found this today:

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and honestly, mood.

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