eighteen: my hero 🥰

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HamiltonLover619 requested this, so thank you!! (everyone go follow that person now)

i meow at my human, but they don't open the door. rude. i follow them into the living room, still squawking at them, however they take no notice.
'god, you've no idea how much i need to get out!! i have a date today! more than you can say.' i think as i leap into the windowsill.
i gasp softly. i have an idea. my human has those door handles where all you have to do it push them. simple.
i sneakily make my way back to the door. i jump, trying to get the door handle to move, but they've locked it! how insensitive! i'm trapped! i'll never see tugger again!
oh, woe is me!!
i slump down into my cat bed. tugger was over last night and the fabric still smells of him. this makes me even sadder. i miss him so much already!
my human walks by, giggling. i look up and glare as best i can.
"you're adorable," they say.
i am NOT adorable! i dart out of the bed at lightning speed, and swipe at my human's ankles. take that, you silly- uh... you silly goose!
"oh c'mon kitty," they chide. "that one cat you always hang out with? you know, your boyfriend, yeah, i don't like him, he seems... scary. too scawwy fow my wittwe bayby mistoffewees"
     i glower at them. they just laugh at me.
     "besides, kitty, that cat's a bad influence. you're an indoor cat now."
     i trot away, leaping into the window once more. i look outside sadly, but to my surprise, there's tugger! he's standing there waiting for me. oh tugger, i'm sorry!!!
     i start meowing at him, hoping to get his attention, but it doesn't work. i tap my tail against the glass. his ears prick up and he looks towards me. he stands and gestures for me to come out. i shake my head sadly and tilt my head in the human's general direction. tugger nods in understanding. he waits a beat, then seems to get an idea.
tugger pov
     my misto is trapped!! i have to save him. i run around the house to the front door. i jump up and swat the little button that makes a bell sound. soon enough, mistoffelees' human opens the door and out comes my misto!!
    "mistoffelees! get back here! you're an indoor cat!" his human shouts, but we're too busy running away.
     we run all the way to the edge of the junkyard, before collapsing beside each other.
    after a few moments of catching our breath, misto rubs his cheek against my shoulder. "thank you for saving me."
    "just a day in the life of the rum tum tugger. i save a lot of damsels." i smirk.
    "i'm sure. so who were you saving before me?" i ask rhetorically.
    tugger stays quiet for a beat, then says, "you got me."
    i laugh lightly and move closer to him.
         "my hero."

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