twenty seven: twins???

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hi it's 12:23 am and i just got this magical idea.

quaxo and misto are different cats and tugger can't tell the difference

this has probably been done before, but fuck off its 12:24 am

(quaxo wants nothing to do with tugger while misto is the gay one)

third person pov
tugger smiles and waves at his black tuxedo friend, but is only glared at. when tugger cocks his head in confusion, the tux rolls his eyes and stalks quickly away.
'okay..? that was weird, but he's probably just having a bad day.' tugger thinks as he turns on his heel.
just then, the tux wanders out of one of his dens- he seems to have two-, scanning the junkyard. his blue eyes meet tugger's green ones and misto jogs over.
"hey tugger!" he says in greeting, smiling profusely. "how are ya?"
"i'm fine, you? did someone piss you off?"
misto gives tugger a confused stare. "no..? i've had a wonderful day!"
tugger considers this.

meanwhile, rumpleteazer, cassandra, and victoria watch.
"we should tell him there's two of them." cass mutters in her beautiful, deep voice.
"nah, iss' more fun this way," teazer says, smiling mischievously.
"yeah, cassey, but don't worry, we'll tell him eventual—" victoria cuts herself off. "look, here comes misto!"
misto had kissed tugger goodbye, smiled at him, and galloped into earshot of the queens.
"hey girls, amused?" he says coolly.
cassandra purses her lips. "very."

     hi sorry it's short i didn't know how to end it.
     i feel like i end every chapter with that lol. hope you guys don't mind.
     i stopped short 'cause i needed to get a chapter out, but yea
     love y'all

      side note: i found a tugger x oc fanfic (it's gone now don't even ask) and the oc's name was jazzie, and i was really uncomfortable because it got kinda raunchy near the end

     (but i'm not complaining 👀
            jk i'm a lesbian
                   but... tugger... 👀)

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