twelve: narcoleptic (and possessed??? 😱😱😱 *emotional*)

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hello yes the title was very much intentional please don't yell at me i'm sensitive aubrey

so i looked up synonyms for tired and

so i looked up synonyms for tired and

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gotta love right?

this one's a bit of a doozy, so strap in! (also it's kinda long)

tugger's pov
"please mistofelees, you have to sleep sometime!" i begged him, my face contorted. he'd been practicing his magic for almost five hours straight!
"just let me get this one trick," he says, unsatisfied. he re-re-re-reads the comical-looking spellbook and focuses harder. he tries again and again. nothing progressive happens. he closes the book forcefully and comes to sit beside me on the ground. he sighs annoyedly and puts his hands (paws?) on his temples.
"it's okay baby, you'll get it next time," i say, putting my hand on his shoulder and trying to catch his eye with no avail. he stars at the ground, seeming to be blocking my words out.

misto pov
'you're useless,' someone— not tugger— far away tells me, 'you're useless and don't deserve any of that pathetic magic of yours!'
i think i hear tugger say something, though. but i'm not even sure he's still beside me or not. everything is swirling and i can't seem to breathe and my mouth is dry and my hands are sweaty and-
"i'm going for a walk." someone else says, they sound a lot like me. my head is lifted and i'm moving now. yes, it was definitely me.
"let me come with you," a familiar, low voice says in a helpful sort of tone.
"no. no thank you" the same person who i presume to be me says again.
once again, i'm moving. i can't see. well, i can see, but nothing registers.
the same far away person pipes up again, 'look at poor baby quaxo, trying to run away from his problems! god, you're stupid. we should've known you weren't good enough from the start!'
i shake my head and continue walking, trying to be in control of myself again. what's happening to me?
"i don't even know why that idiot, what's his name? the rum tum tugger? i don't know why he even bothers. have you seen him? he's way out of your league, bubba." they sneer, drawing out the word 'way.' but they continue. "he's dumb, that one, dumber than you—"
"enough!" i snap, loud enough to wake the entire forest, "you can insult me all you want, but don't ever-" my voice breaks and gets quieter "- insult him"
there's no reply. i'm snapped back to reality. i did it. i've won.
my victory is short-lived as i realize i'm in the middle of the forest. how far have i walked? i sway on my feet and i try to regain my balance. failing to do so, i fall. i make a guess that my elbow and upper arm will break the fall, along with my hip. i brace myself for pain, but it doesn't come. i feel strong arms supporting my waist and the rest of my upper body. someone caught me. i'm much too dizzy to see who it was, all i know is that it was someone who wants me unharmed.

tugger pov
"misto? mistoffelees?" i ask. he doesn't reply, clearly unconscious. i sweep my arm under his knees and carry him to the base of a nice oak tree. i sit in silence, mistoffelees in my lap.
when he finally wakes up, he seems very alarmed. "who are y- where am i??" he stutters, looking around with wide eyes.
"it's okay darling, we're in the forest, you're safe," i purr, wrapping my arms more securely around him as he relaxes. "are you okay?"
he reaches up to rub his eyes and puts his head back on my chest. "yeah, i'm okay."
"you sure? you don't seem okay.."
"i'm not. i'm really not"
"tell me all about it"
and he did. he told me all about his breakdown and the shaking and the fear, but most interestingly, the voices.
the voices told him he wasn't good enough. how he isn't worthy of anything he has. he knew they weren't real. he told me he knew that, but i couldn't agree. i stare at him.
"mistoffelees, you're the voices. you're the one who's telling you you don't deserve these things."
though this seemed pretty obvious to me, it clearly didn't to him. now it's mistoffelees' turn to stare. he stares, thinking. every once in a while, his eyebrows will furrow, his eyes will narrow, or ears will flatten, but he doesn't stop staring. for a moment, i wonder if he malfunctioned.
mistoffelees finally looks at me.
"oh.." he says.

that was dramatic. i've never really written anything so... like that before, so i hope you enjoyed it!
idk what else to say so uhhh. comment your opinions on demeter x bombalurina..? do you think them sisters? friends? girlfriends? tell me 'alla 'bout it!

i'm very proud of this btw

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