seventy nine: prince, part 2

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hi here you go babes

tugger pov
     she's awful. she's stuck-up, dramatic, and obviously more self-absorbed than anyone i've ever met. her name is bombalurina how obnoxious can a name get?

     in my room, i stare at my reflection in the mirror, thinking about the terrible person i have to marry. after she'd been shown to her own room, i begged my father to call off the betrothal, but he told me it'd already been decided and that he wasn't changing his mind. when i asked him why she couldn't just marry munkustrap, he basically told me it was because i'm the one securing ties with other kingdoms, while my brother is the one leading the country. he told me there wasn't another use for me except making our trading system stronger.

     my eyes start getting watery, but i blink the pitiful tears away. if anyone saw me crying, especially about this, they'd go straight to my father and he'd use it against me.

     since my older brother is busy learning how to be a king, and my father is busy being a king, i get to be in charge of our army, so that's where my friends come from. i'm fairly close with all of our guards and soldiers, so it's very easy to sneak around.

     sneaking around...
     that's right! i completely forgot about mistoffelees. i run a quick hand through my hair to smooth it, and hurry out the door, not even bothering to close the door.


      i nearly run into the announcer person from before, and i grab his shoulders. "what room did you send mistoffelees to?" i demand excitedly.

     "room eight, third floor, guest wing," he recites almost immediately.

     "thank you!" i yell, starting towards the stairs.

      hi this is all you get. sad -> excited tugger in a matter of 200 words. love that for me
    don't worry, i'll post part 3 tonight tho <3

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