twenty five: look what that cat dragged in part 2 (kinda)

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pretty please take this with a grain of salt, i'm running on like 3 hours of sleep, have mercy on my tortured soul, s'il vous plaît

misto/quaxo pov
i nestle into my nest (look at me go) and just finished getting comfortable when a voice says urgently, "quaxo? can i come in?"
hey, i recognize that voice, that's the tall hottie! the one with "the" in his name.
"uh yea, come in!" i call.
he waltzes into my den. god it doesn't work like that i'm listening to music in 4/4 time!
(read the next part in a british accent then normally, the joke works better)
"hi, the rum tum tugger— how am i even supposed to say that without sounding like a straight idiot?"
(okay re read that in your normal accent and notice)
"first of all, everyone calls me tugger, it's kinda my thing." he laughs. "and secondly, dïd ÿóū šâÿ ÿøù'rē ñöt śtråíght???????????"
and it was at that exact moment, that i broke him. i broke it. it malfunctioned. ruined.
tugger is 😵.
"well i- uh- you- um," tugger sputters. "we- you- i- fuck me"
"w h a t"
"you heard me, daddy"

okay uh i have no memory of writing this. what the fuck.
so we'll pick up at "first of all, everyone just calls me tugger..."

"everyone calls me tugger, it's kinda my thing." he laughs.
"that makes life a lot easier." i smile. "wait so why did you barge in here?"
"oh, right, almost forgot." tugger grins at me and i feel like i could evaporate right then and there. "tomorrow, i was planning on practicing for the ball, but i didn't really wanna do it alone so..."
"i'm sorry, the what?"
"the jellicle ball? munkustrap didn't tell you?" tugger says, looking confused and a little annoyed. he goes on to explain what the jellicle ball is. (you lovelies already know ;) )
"and you have to rehearse..?" i say, finally putting the pieces together.
"i'm in, where do i meet you tomorrow?"
"i'll come and get you."
and with that, he was gone.

sorry. this was mostly dialogue and it was bad. god this was so bad. what the fuck even was this shit
god fucking damnit okay bye

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