thirty five: doesnt care for a cuddle

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     i have this strange, looming headcannon in the back of my mind, that the line "the rum tum tugger doesn't care for a cuddle" just means that our poor bby tugger is touch-starved and gets a tad overwhelmed by a lot of physical contact; but that shit is also like crack to him, but he doesn't want to ask misto for it because, y'know, rêpūtåtīøñ or whatever

human au

tugger pov
     the first time mistoffelees had ever touched me was an... interesting experience, to say the least. i was raised in a pretty 'no homo,' kind of environment. our parents never really hugged us, we didn't play those cute patty-cake games.
even with my own friends, my parents looked down on us being platonically affectionate.
     i hadn't realized that wasn't normal until i met mistoffelees.
    very early on in our relationship, he figured out that i wasn't used to being touched, so he started asking to hold my hand, to hug me, and similar things. most of the time, he just says "is this okay?" but other times he'll murmur "can i hold your hand?" (which makes your soul feel like memory foam)
every time, i say yes. absolutely. once, he asked if his asking bothered me. i said no. it will never ever bother me. the fact that he cares so much about my comfort is on a different level of appreciation. when he asks, he makes this adorable face; he smiles a bit, and looks up at me through his eyelashes, and the look in his eyes is so filled with trust and care and love.

misto pov
i know him too well. i can almost always tell exactly what he wants, and all i have to do is confirm it. "hey tuggs? can i hold your hand" i'll ask, giving him puppy-dog eyes.
     he told me about his past, and i respect that. he'd never actually said he wanted me to ask first, which my anxiety took as "he pities you and hates when you talk to him like that."
     so, being the worried little bitch i am, i asked him if he hates me (of course, i didn't use those words). and he said no!!! yay!!!
     but in all seriousness, he needs time to warm up to physical affection. and if he ever wants me to stop, i will. you know why? because i love him.

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