Tears From The Skies

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Beacon Academy

Y/n's POV:

We finally got back to our dorm and the three of us walked inside. Neo walked to her bed while Militia walked towards the bathroom and I was just standing next to the door after I closed it.

After a few minutes of me standing there I felt my scroll go off so I checked to see it was Neo who sent me a message. I didn't bother to lift my head up to look at her and just opened her message.

<So whats the plan now... We all can't just mope around now can we?>

She was right though I didn't want to admit to it because I couldn't stop thinking about everything that happened during that mission...

I let out a small sigh and looked up at her and shook my head as I shrugged my shoulders "No clue honestly, but you are right we can't just mope around."

She gave me a smile and started typing on her scroll again and a couple seconds later I got another text from her.

<Everyone who was out there waiting for us are all worried about us now. Also a couple more worried about you as well.>

"Yeah I know, I'll go talk to them all later about everything. I normally would say something about your remark about others caring more about me but at the moment my mind is else were."

She nods her head and lays down on her bed, me on the other hand I walked up to the bathroom door and knocked on it to get Militia's attention.

I didn't hear her say anything but I could tell she was listening to what I had to say "Militia I'll be leaving for the night but tomorrow I'll answer all your questions with everyone else around."

Once again there was no answer but deep down I knew she heard me and understood but at the moment she was still concerned and upset about her sister.

After a couple of seconds I walked back to our rooms door and opened it looking back at Neo "I'll see you tomorrow morning get some sleep."

Neo gave me a sad look but nodded as I walked out of our dorm and left, at this point I didn't even know what I was doing. I didn't want to  talk to anyone, I didn't want anyone to see the look on my face and I didn't want to show my emotions.

I began to just walk down the hall passing by team RWBY's room not bothering to stop by and see if they were there. I knew at this moment they all were most likely in the lounging room talking with each other on how to approach my team and I.

Right before I got to the lounging room I stopped and stayed silent thinking if I really wanted to go in there and talk with everyone or just turn back now and leave everything as it is.

While I was standing there thinking, I hear someones voice inside the Lounge It was Yang "Guys I don't know what to do... What are we supposed to say to them or how are we supposed to act.... Out of all of us I'd probably make them feel worse because of how I am."

This caught me by surprise hearing Yang this distressed on how to act around people and hearing her concerned about making things worse... I feel kinda bad for making her feel that way I hate having others worry about me.

As I was about to take another step I could hear another voice speak up this time it was Coco "We all know how you feel Yang but what else can we do at the moment, they don't want to talk to us about it and Y/n is in a bad state..."

Everything was silent for a bit so I took this choice to take a step forward and make myself known. In that second everyone looks at me and tries to play it off that they were not talking about me.

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