Tested by Friends.

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A/n jumps into the frame with a smile on his face "Hello again everyone! alright I'll make this quick once again. I want to give KimmerDoo55 and TheCouchPotato23 a shout out! Thank you CouchPotato for the vote on the last chapter and thank you Kim for the follow! Now lets get into the chapter!"


Y/n's POV:

Classes were finally over, I was now just walking around bored, lunch today was a bit strange but that was fine, though that text from Neo was not expected... Was she being for real or was she just teasing me? Oh wait I also got a text from Coco as well.

I pulled out your scroll and pulled up the text Coco sent me.

< Hey would you mind swinging by training room 4 when you are done with classes? >

I got nothing else to do so might as well. I started to make my way to the training room once I got outside of training room 4 I noticed a neon sign that said "Training In progress Do Not Enter." Hmm well, she did ask me to come by, so I should be alright to enter.

As soon as I entered, I couldn't see anyone, all the lights were off besides one light that formed a circle of light on the floor so I walked over to it. What is going on here? This is training room 4, so where is Coco and her team?

Right as I had to say something I saw a giant orange and gold looking blade being swung right at me from the shadows. I ducked under the blade, so it missed me and disappeared into the darkness.

The one who swung the blade stayed in the dark so I couldn't see who they were. What is going on here?!

Once again the blade swung right at me a bit faster this time, guess it's time for me to take this serious no more dodging. The blade was only a few inches away from my head until I put my hand in front of my face completely open ready to catch the blade. The person wielding the blade must have seen what I was up to because they decided to curve the blade a bit so it cut my hand a bit.

This is getting annoying really fast, I summoned two small daggers looking weapons made of ice now ready for the next attack. It only took a few seconds until the sword came back into the light to strike at me, this time it tried to strike from above.

I placed both the daggers in a x above my head and caught the blade. I turned the blades a bit and pushed upwards pushing the blade to go back into the darkness. Next time I see that blade the wielder will regret their choice in attacking from the shadows.

A few moments passed of me just looking around into the darkness, to no avail could I see anything. The person attacking me must be skilled to even hide their foot steps.

The blade finally came out of the shadows and went to strike me from behind. I turned around and blocked the attack with my dagger and while the light was still in the light I could tell where the wielding was standing in the dark and used my semblance to trap them in ice.

For a second I thought I missed them, but the blade did not go back into the darkness and I knew they were stuck. I saw the blade raised up and was pointed down, they wanted to strike the ice to free themselves.

I rushed towards them and caught their blade with one dagger and pointed the other into the darkness where I assumed the person was standing and was hoping to have my dagger to their throat.

Everything was silent for a few moments until I heard clapping, I was confused on what was going on until all the lights came on and in front of me I saw Yatsuhashi was the one I froze to the ground and stopped his blade though my other blade was only pointing to his chest which was a bit embarrassing but I couldn't tell how tall the target was.

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