News In Shade

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Y/n's POV:

It was the next day after we had arrived at Shade Academy. I woke up to an empty room. It seems the other left to go get something to eat. My entire body still felt drained after everything but I guess that's normal for everything we went through.

I sat up and looked at my hands. The shaking had finally stopped and my head no longer hurt. I still can't remember what happened while I was in the cave alone but it may be for the best if I don't remember.

I stood up and grabbed my shirt and put it on after doing so I could hear my scroll going off. I picked it up from the table and looked at the contact.


I guess I need to answer the call...

I pressed the button to answer the call and put my scroll over to my right ear as I answered in a monotone "Hello."

"Y/n, glad you are awake. I was informed you and your team are at Shade Academy at the moment."There was nothing for me to say to what he said I was still not talking to much at the moment so he continued.

"I also heard about what happened to your team mate Melanie is in critical condition... I am sorry to hear..."Hearing everything that I already knew still hurt and I don't know why. Is it because I still blame myself? Or is it something else?

"That is correct... When we return to Beacon, I will give my report but I also have my own questions Oz..." Ozpin was silent for a minute until he finally gave me his response but he didn't sound happy but concerned."That will be fine."

After that I ended the call things at the moment are not good, and I feel as if they will only get worse.

I put my scroll in my pocket and opened the door and left the room we had been aloud to stay in while we were at Shade. I looked around the halls as I walked through them. These halls feel similar to Beacon's but more empty.

I did hear Shade was a bit more strict on their students which would make sense. Ozpin is a bit to laid back about a lot of things but that is who he is I guess.

After a couple of minutes, I had finally made my way to the courtyard of Shade, and it didn't reveal flowers or statues just sand and more pillars. It makes sense not to have flowers here due to all the sand and harsh heat so it was to be expected.

I stood there for a while just looking out at the rest of the campus not really paying attention to what I was looking at but in my head thinking about everything that had happened.

(Everything has gone down hill so far. When I first started at Beacon, everything was fine and a part of me wished that it would stay that way...)

"Hey captain"

(Guess wishes like that don't come true... Hell maybe I am cursed and can never have a life like that.)


(Was it really worth me coming to Beacon if this is all that will happen to those around me...)

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt something hit the back of my head kinda hard. "Hey! I'm talking to you."I looked at the one who it was who had hit me and come to find out it was Militia.

Scratching the back of my neck, I looked at her and looked down "Oh hey sorry about that... Was lost in thought."She walked up next to me and looked out at the rest of the academy as I was only moments ago.

"Its fine. I have news about my sister."My heart stopped I cant escape the fact that I am to blame for what happened to her."They say he wounds are extremely deep and that she cant be moved out of Shade for Beacon or she will die. They asked me what to do where I am her sister."

The fact that her sister is in critical condition and has to stay here must have her worried... The fact she is acting strong means I need to pull myself together and be their leader and not a mess. "So what is your choice?" I looked at her as I asked her that question finally snapping myself out of the way I was acting.

She shook her head which confused me,"I told them its not up to me but its up to my captain.Your the captain and we said we would put our lives in your hands so it's your choice what they do and what we do.Your the captain and we said we would put our lives in your hands so it's your choice what they do and what we do."

I froze not knowing what to say or do in this moment, why do I have to make these choices, why do I have to be the leader, why do I have to think about that now! "I think we should allow Shade to hold onto your sister until she is more stable and then have her transferred to Beacon." Militia smiled at me which was odd for her she never really smiled.

"As you wish captain, though I do have a request to ask you." She turned away to me and now had her back to me. "Once we get back, I want to ask you about your past. We looked into you and found nothing, there is nothing on your record before you joined Beacon."

I let out a sigh knowing at one point this was going to happen. I knew eventually I would have to tell them all about my past. It was something I expected but was hoping I could put off till later on in life. "I'll tell you everything if that is what you want."

She didn't say another word and just walked away, the fact that her and her sister looked into me tells me they didn't fully trust me or maybe they wanted to know more about the person who will be their leader. Either way no more hiding the truth must come out now.

I looked up at the sky and let out another sigh. How much worse will things get and how will I deal with them... Only time will tell.


A/n walks into the frame and waves at the screen "Hello everyone, it has been some time. I do apologize I have been gone. First I was busy then when I wasnt busy my laptop died on me so I couldn't update anything and with this Covid-19 stuff I couldnt get a new laptop until recently. But I'm back and after this week I will upload chapters on the same scheduled I said before. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you in the next one! Bye bye!"

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