A Shadowed Past

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Y/n's POV:

It has been a couple of days since you had coffee with Coco, it was a nice change from everything you knew from your past. Things were actually good since you got to Beacon Academy. You had great teammates, good friends, good classes.

It was now lunch time and today you decided to get lunch and join your friends and teammates. You grabbed your lunch and walked over to the team and gave them all a smirk before they noticed you.

Ruby: " So guys whats the plan for today, the rest of our classes have been cancelled"

Before anyone could say anything you put your tray down and everyone looked at you shocked.

You: " Yeah its sad classes have been cancelled I'll be heading into town"

Neo smiled and waved at you and Yang laughed and looked at you.

Yang: " Well look who it is, thought you didn't like us anymore?"

Wiess stayed silent and just ate her food this threw you off but before you could think about it anymore Ruby jumped onto the table.

Ruby: " Y/n!!!! Yay! Our friend is back!!! Wait what are you going into town for?"

You chuckled at the hyper active girl in red and took a bite of your lunch before answering.

You: " Well I was going to get a new part for my weapon, then I was going to go to a spot I heard of to get a drink."

Both the twins looked at you and shook their heads a bit then Blake chimed in.

Blake: " Are you even old enough to drink?"

Ruby was pulled off the table by Wiess finally and she was sitting silent Yang just laughed at what Blake said.

You: " Well I mean if I'm old enough to put my life at risk by fighting Grimm I should be old enough to drink."

Yang reached her hand out for a high five, you smiled and gave her the high five she was looking for.

Yang: " Preach it man!"

Wiess finally made her voice heard but she seemed annoyed.

Wiess: " Well I don't think you should drink no matter what, its a disgusting thing."

You looked at Wiess and sighed everyone else went silent not knowing what would make Wiess so irritated right now.

You: " Your right, I guess I'll just stop by and talk to a friend instead of getting a drink.."

After you said that you finished your food before anyone else and got up to leave before you were stopped by Ruby.

Ruby: " Where are you going?"

You looked back at Wiess who was eating her lunch and you looked away towards the doorway of the cafeteria.

You: " Better if take my leave now."

No one said anything, everyone just stayed silent and was eating their food. No one knew what was going on and they would rather not get drug into it. Hell you didn't even know what was going on with Wiess it's like she doesn't like you.

You walked out of the cafeteria and was walking the halls tell you heard a familiar voice.

Coco: " Hey! Y/n"

You stopped and looked at Coco and waved at her as she walked up to you.

You: " Yo, whats up?"

Coco adjusted her sunglasses and looked at you.

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