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Y/n POV:

It has been a couple of days since you met all of team Coffee, also since that day you stopped eating lunch with everyone once again. You did not want to upset Wiess anymore than you already have, even though you don't know what you have done.

You looked at your scroll to see what time it was and it was now almost time for your class after lunch. Normally you would never have classes after lunch but today was mandatory to take class with Oobleck. You also had a text from Neo, you opened it up and read what it said.

Neo: < Is everything okay? You were at lunch with us the other day but why did you stop showing up again? Is it because of Wiess?>

You sighed and placed your scroll on your chest for a second. Was she really the reason, you normally do not care what others say or think but when she snapped at you the other day it bothered you for some reason. You took your scroll of your chest and replied to Neo.

You:  < Honestly I don'tt know why but when she snapped it bothered me so I figured it would be best if I stayed away from her. She does not like me for some reason. >

Neo: < Hmmm maybe I can ask Yang to talk to her and find out what is going on>

You: < Up to you honestly I don't care, its not like she is part of our team so I don't have to please her.>

Neo: < Then why are you keeping your distance to keep her happy?>

You: < ......... >

Neo: < Don't worry about answering, anyway see you after your class.>

You: < Yeah see you then>

Neo: < Oh before I forget how are things between you and Coco?>

You laughed a bit and just put your scroll away.

You: " Yeah not answering that, well I should make my way to Ooblecks class now."

You stood up and started to walk towards the class you were told to go to. Once you got there you saw a few students where there, of the ones that where there you saw Juane, Nora and Cardin. You found an empty seat and sat down, you pulled out your scroll to check the time.

It was five minutes till Professor Oobleck should show up. You looked up to see some other people walk in, Wiess, Ruby, Pyrrha, Velvet and Blake. You let out a slight sigh that no one could hear and just looked forward as Professor Oobleck walked in making his introduction.

 You let out a slight sigh that no one could hear and just looked forward as Professor Oobleck walked in making his introduction

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Oobleck: " Hello class today is a lesson on the war between the humans and faunus. OH yes before I forget mr. L/n you will be taking this class for two weeks. So you will be able to get a clear picture of what I teach in this class."

You shrugged your shoulders as you let out a slight sigh once again.

You: " Yes sir"

Oobleck looked at you with a blank stair.

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