Faunus Protection

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Y/n POV:

You were taking notes on everything Goodwitch was teaching, you knew mostly everything she was saying a few things peaked your interest only because you did not know about. After Goodwitch was done with her lesson she looked at her tablet and called down Yang and Nora for the match up today. You were not interested in watching either of them, you had asked questions about both of them and their fighting style. You asked Militia and Melanie about Yang's fighting style, from what they told you Yang is a hot headed fighter, her semblance allows her to take the damage she has taken and use it and hit so much harder but the way she used it was almost like a kid having a tantrum. You asked Weiss on Nora's fighting style and she is just a brute and fights like a maniac.

Ruby: "You got this Yang!!!"

Yang: "Thanks sis!"

Goodwitch: "You two know the rules keep it clean. Begin"

As the two girls started to go at it you just pulled out your scroll and started to text Neo.

You: < What a boring match up eh?>

Neo: < Yeah, just two brutes fighting really.>

You: < We go to lunch next right?>

Neo:< Yup>

You: < Thank god>

As Neo answered your question about lunch Goodwitch claimed the match to be a draw because both Yang and Nora were out of Aura.

Goodwitch: " Now everyone tomorrow we will have start class with a match and end the class with a match, you are dismissed"

// Le time skip brought to you by a chibi Blake reading her book//

You and your team had gotten to the cafeteria and gotten your lunches, as you all were looking for a table to eat at you saw Ruby and her team wave at you all.

Rub: " Hey Y/n, you all should eat with us!"

You looked at your team members and they all shrugged not really caring so you all walked over to the table where Ruby and her team was sitting at, with four other people. You knew one of the people to be the famous Pyrrha Nikos.

Ruby: " Oh let me introduce you guys!"

Before Ruby could do so everyone's attention was brought away to Cardin pulling on the ears of a rabbit faunus.

Card: " Oh this never gets old, they are so soft! you buys have to feel them."

Weiss: " what a..."

Weiss stopped talking when she saw you walk over to Cardin and his team.

Yang: " Ooooh we get to see what the new guy can do?"

Blake: " Whatever he does I hope Cardin gets put on his ass, it's the least he deserves.."

As you got to cardin you grabbed his hand and he let go of the faunus and looked at you.

Cardin: " Oh look at the free loader thinking he can be a hero"

You looked at the faunus and smiled at her.

You: " Please go to your team, I'll deal with him."

The Faunus girl nodded and walked about, as she left you looked back at Cardin and gave him an evil look.

Cardin: " Wow he really thinks he can be a hero?"

You let go of Cardins hand and punched him in the jaw dropping him to the ground. Cardin grabbed his jaw and looked at you as you cracked your knuckles.

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