Official Mission Start

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Hey everyone I'm back. I now have my laptop back and can start posting stories again, yay! I really missed you guys and I really missed writing as well, when I first started doing this I never thought I would get so attached to my writing but here I am now just loving it! So thank you everyone for your support! Now lets get into this chapter! - Jan 14

Hey guys this chapter was supposed to be uploaded January 15th but I got really sick and well I didn't have energy for anything, I felt horrible I honestly felt like death. I don't know what I was sick with but it sucked. Here I am now back and feeling alright better, I am still a bit sick but not as bad. I am so sorry about not uploading, I feel really bad I will get back on my schedule. Well lets get into this chapter then. - Jan 31.


Y/n's POV:

It was the next day, I could hardly sleep with the stress of figuring out what to do and then the concern of getting attacked was a bit much for me.

I looked around and noticed no one else was awake I'll let them all sleep a bit longer. It gives me a bit of time to think of everything.

I started to walk towards the make shift table I set up that held the map on top of it. Now where will we start looking first, this normally would be easy to find an imps nest but where these are evolved ones it means they could be anywhere.

This whole mission is just off none of it makes sense and on top of that we also have Blind Worms to deal with while we are out there looking for these Imps. Uhg why does this have to be so damn difficult!

Nebula's POV:

I woke up and stretched it was about the normal time I wake up, I always let my team sleep in a bit so they will be well rested and I can be wide awake to lead them.

I walked out to where we had the fire pit and I noticed that Y/n was at the table with the map. Guess he is really trying his best, we did put a lot of pressure on him making him be the leader of both teams.

There was something about him that I felt confident about letting him be the leader. He was so smart and he also seems experienced which is odd for him being a first year and this being his first mission.

I decided to quietly walk up to him to surprise him a bit. As I got closer, I could see the map a bit more and he still has not noticed me. Wait, he looks frustrated?

He balled his hand into a fist "Damnit..."he said it quietly to not wake anyone but he was clearly extremely frustrated about something.

What could he be so frustrated about this earlier in the morning? Could he be over thinking our mission again? I guess I better talk to him.

"Hey whats wrong?" I walked up to him as he turned around to look at me. He obviously did not know I was here. "Oh Nebula Its nothing... Just going over some stuff" his whole body looked tense this was obviously nothing.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, and I could feel that he tensed up even more from me touching him he must not be used to others touching him in a comforting way or maybe...

"Come on Y/n talk to me whats going on something is wrong, we can't have you acting like this while leading us to open up to me so I can help you." He looked down for a bit but then he sat down and looked at the map again.


I removed my hand from his shoulder and just looked at him while he explained everything.

"I'm stuck... I want this mission to go by fast and easy, but that would mean for me to ignore everyone else's needs and health but I want to make sure everyone is taken care of and we stay safe... That option will mean we could be out here longer then we planned and that can also cause issues... I don't know what to do, do I take the option of not caring for everyone's health and get the mission done no matter what or do I take care of everyone and take more time then we have..."

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