The Start of a Mission.

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A/n walks into the screen and gives a faint smile "Hello everyone, so the poll has ended and the team LMMN (Luminary) will be joining team NDGO (Indigo) with their mission... Now I wanted to give a disclaimer that I don't know any of team NDGO's sembalances so that means I kind of have to make up their semblances.. Also the mission they will be on will take three chapters so if in some parts of reading it seems slow I'm sorry but please bare with it. Well lets get into the chapter!"


Y/n's POV:

Right now my team hates me due to the fact I woke them all up earlier then they all normally wake up, now did I have to well not really but I want to get briefed on the mission we will be going on today so I can make sure we are all prepared.

Militia was the only one who did not mind so much, luckily between her and her sister she is the most understanding, now her sister lets just say she wanted to cut my head off "Uhg It's four o'clock in the morning! Why do we need to be awake right now?! Huh Captain!"

Today was going to be a rough day... Militia and I were sitting on our beds waiting for Melanie and Neo to finish waking up and getting around. Melanie complained a bit more but thanks to her sister being on my side she was able to keep her under control.

Neo was being grumpy the whole time she got around but luckily I lived through it all. It was now a little over four thirty in the morning. I shot the headmaster a text hoping he was awake and that he would brief us on our mission, now all this is, is a waiting game.

A little bit after five Ozpin finally texted me back

< My apologies mister L/n I was awake but I was getting my coffee for the day, how may I be of help to you this morning? >

< No it's fine Oz, though you could help me by letting my team and I come up to your office to debrief us on our mission. >

It took a bit for Oz to get back to me but after about three to four minutes of waiting he responded.

< That will be fine head on up to my office I am more then glad to go over everything with you and your team. >

I knew he wouldn't deny my request, after all he prefers people that like to always get ahead on details and want to learn more.

Militia and me had to almost literally carry Neo out because she was being to grumpy about doing so much this early. We eventually got her to leave without having to caring her though I had to promise after the mission I would buy her ice cream for the next week. I was not the concerned about money so the deal was easy to make.

Ten minutes of walking and we finally got to the elevator to go to the headmasters office. The ride up to his office was quite, but I enjoyed it, it was better then hearing Melanie complain about the time or being woken up so early.

The door opened up for us as we finally reached the headmasters office, we all walked into his office and turned towards his desk and like always he had a cup of coffee in his hands, was that thing glued to his hands? Or does he just really like coffee?

"Why good morning team LMMN please have a seat." There were four seats for all of us to sit at, but I decided to lean against the wall next to Neo. "Thank you Oz so lets get this debriefing started shall we?"

Ozpin set his coffee cup down and pressed a few buttons on his desk and a holograph popped up showing us a map.

"I enjoy your determinations mister L/N" I'm getting really sick of him always calling me by my last name "With all due respect sir I have asked before to call me Y/n and to the determination part I am just looking to get the information I need to properly lead my team even if we will be joining another team."

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