Securing Camp

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Y/n's POV:

We all have been sitting in silence for a bit it was nice, but I think it's time I get team NDGO's point of view on this. "Hey Nebula mind if I ask a question?"

Everyone now had their eyes on me I was a bit uneasy but that's not what is important right now. "Hmm sure whats up?"

"Well Ozpin debriefed us on the mission, but I was wondering what other information you had you could give us?" She looked surprised at what I ask and looked over at her teammates for verification to give me that information.

It's not like I'm asking much just information that can help me keep everyone alive is all. "That seems reasonable, well let me ask what all you know first so I can fill in the blanks."

"Right well, what we know is that Vacuo has been seeing sightings of Imp type grimm around. So our mission is to kill every imp we see and to find their nest and destroy it. The mission has been classified as a Search and Destroy." I looked at Nebula for her response, and she had a smile on her face, wonder why?

"Alright now tell me what you have deducted from that information. You seem to be smart, but you try to hide it. So let's hear the rest."

My entire team and I looked at her shocked, how did she know that I knew more than what I said? Impressive she is for sure a good leader makes me wonder how they lost at the Vytal Festival.

I leaned forward and gave a slight smile "Well where you asked so kindly. From what I know about Imp Grimm, none of this makes sense. Imp's should not be able to live in the desert mostly duo to the harsh heat and sand storms, but somehow they are. My theory is that they have evolved to be able to survive in those conditions. This has me concerned for many reasons, one its not uncommon for grim to evolve but normally its one or two but a whole heard evolving? That has never been seen or heard of, so the fact that these Imp's have brings forth a question of what other grimm have evolved like this. It's in our best interest to make this quick because we don't know what other things the grimm have in stock for us."

Everyone stayed quite for a bit taking in everything I had said then Nebula leaned forward just as I was "Wow you really went into all of this with great thought, but your right about all of it. We don't understand how they were able to get into Vacuo with such a big horde and not have been seen until recently. Other then that we know just as much as you do, so I advise we all work as a large team."

They don't even know how the Imp's got into Vacuo that is very troublesome, but at least she is being honest with me this helps a lot. "Agreed, normally it would be good for us to keep our teams separate and lead them separate as well but where we don't know what else is going on it will be best for us to be a single team."

Nebula and I looked at our teams to see what they thought, my team all just nodded their heads agreeing to whatever I would decide. "I think it's a good idea. We should take as least amount of risk as we can." Huh Octavia was the only one on team NDGO to say anything the other two just nodded their heads as Octavia spoke up.

"Alright so we have that decided now time to figure out who will lead this eight man team" I looked over at Gwen who asked the question, was that even a question? The most experienced leader should which is Nebula.

"Though as much as I hate to say it but I think Y/n should be the leader" Yeah, see, wait... What did Nebula just say?

"Wait, me? Why you have more experience with being a leader."Why is it today nothing is making sense!!! What the hell is going on!

"Well yes I may have more experience but you have more detail over these types of grimm plus you seem to have a natural talent for being a strategist where you were able to deduct the grimm evolving and the fact that other grimm could also be evolving. I have faith in you no matter how strange it feels where we all just met today but I'll put my life and my teams life in your hands."

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