4 Days Till Christmas ::cake::

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Cal: Luke??

Lukey: yesss?

Cal: I'm pretty sure Michael hates me...

Lukey: what? Why?

Cal: we were texting in the morning yesterday and I told him that I peeped at my gift he got me and he got really mad

Lukey: I'm sure everything is fine cal

Cal: he kept saying how I didn't care about our relationship and shit

Cal: but I didn't understand!

Lukey: what did he get you?

Cal: i saw the shoes that I wanted....

Lukey: he blew up on you because you saw the shoes he got you?

Cal: I guess! I've been trying to call an text him but he won't answer

Lukey: I don't believe that he would flip like that because of shoes

Cal: I know

Cal: but he also said something else

Lukey: what?

Cal: he told me to go enjoy my "silly" ring... what the fuck does that mean?

Lukey: ........

Lukey: you don't think.....

Cal: I don't think.....

Lukey: but what kid of ring does he mean?

Cal: I don't know but I don't think he like propose.... I'm proposing so him...

Lukey: idk man

Lukey: I would just ask him about it

Cal: yeah I guess

Lukey: yeah ok so I'm gunna go now

Cal: why?

Lukey: I was having an intimate moment with Ashton

Cal: oh

Cal: alright then


This was just like a filler chapter thing so that's why it sucks and it's short lol

5SOS Text Messages |bromances| ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें