All Dogs Go To Heaven ::cake::

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Cal: hello

Cal: hi

Cal: hellloooo

Cal: baby cakes

Cal: honeybun

Cal: oh my little boobiebubble

Cal: you're reading these answer me back jackass

Cal: don't make me spank you

Cal: come on babe answer back!

Lukey: Molly died Calum.

Cal: Luke, I'm so sorry

Lukey: don't apologize, you didn't do it.

Cal: how did she?....

Lukey: she was just really old I guess.

Lukey: I miss her Calum

Cal: I know baby, it'll be okay though. She's in a better place now

Lukey: no she's not cause she's not with me.

Cal: I know it may seem that way darling but I promise you she really is. Obviously she was hurting so she's not in pain anymore, she's okay now Luke.

Lukey: I know but I just want to cuddle up with her and take her for walks but I can't even do that anymore. She's gone forever. I'll never see her again.

Cal: it's gunna be okay Lukey. You and I both know that Molls loved you the most and I bet she's thinking about you right now

Lukey: she's a dog Calum I don't think she can think.


Cal: have you ever seen that 'Long Island medium' show? She's talked to dead animals before and she's giving messages to the owners

Lukey: well that's lovely for them but I'll never be able to talk to Molly again.

Cal: You can always talk to her babe I mean she won't answer back but then again she's just a dog so he never really answers back anyway

Lukey: she's not just a dog calum!

Lukey: she was the only one who was there for me when I had no friends. She was the one to come in and cuddle and lick my face and love me

Cal: I can lick your face and love you to Lukey

Lukey: no thank you.

Cal: alright but please cheer up. I know it hurts but death is a part of life. It's natural, and it's natural to grieve but remember that you will always have her in your memories.

Lukey: yeah I guess you're right. I mean at least I got to hold her before she left. She died in my arms

Cal: well at least she went happily in the arms of a very beautiful boy

Lukey: I want ice cream

Cal: sure babe what kind do you want?

Lukey: Frosty Paws

Cal: Luke...

Cal: you do know that's an ice cream made for dogs right?

Lukey: it was Molly's favorite

Cal: I pretty sure you don't have to eat beef flavored ice cream to please you dead dog babe

Lukey: sigh

Lukey: just get me cookie dough

Cal: alright babe, I'll be over in a jiffy

Lukey: don't say jiffy

Cal: why?

Lukey: bc it reminds me of Molly

Cal: erm

Cal: alright. I'll be over soon then.... Bye Lukeypoo

Lukey: sigh

Lukey: Molly used to call me Lukeypoo

Cal: She's a dog Luke! she can't even talk!

Lukey: I know but she was always thinking it.

Cal: okay yeah whatever I'll be over soon.

I cried whist writing this.... Animal deaths just get to me dude. BUT ALAS THE REAL LIFE MOLLY IS STILL ALIVE AND HEALTHY MY FRIENDS SO DONT FRET!

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