I Miss Her ::ot4::

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requested by: @The_Irish_Princess
REQUEST: cal is upset so the guys try and cheer him up
A/N Sorry that this probably sucked ass btw

Mikey: hey guys :)

Ash: helloo

Lukey: hi hi hi

Cal: hey

Mikey: what's up?

Lukey: xbox

Mikey: lovely

Ash: I'm at the park with Harry and Lauren

Mikey: I'm taking a bath

Cal: why?

Mikey: I wanted to become a human stew

Ash: ...... Anyway

Mikey: what are you up to Cally pally?

Cal: nothing

Mikey: well you gotta be doing something

Mikey: at the very least your killing off and reproducing cells so you don't get cancerous cell infections

Lukey: well ok then

Cal: well I guess I'm doing that

Ash: are you alright cal? You've kinda been acting weird the last few days

Lukey: yeah I've noticed too

Mikey: are you okay??

Cal: I'm fine

Mikey: "cause im really not fine at all..."

Cal: no guys really, I'm okay

Ash: you know you can always talk to us. We know when something's wrong. Please don't hide stuff from us

Cal: I know, I guess I'm just sad or whatever

Lukey: well what's wrong?

Cal: it's probably stupid but like every time I come home and we get a break, Mali is never able to come back from college or she's busy with something else. We were supposed to send this break together but she couldn't come home

Ash: and you miss her?

Cal: she's like my best friend

Ash: It's alright Calum, I always miss the little munchkins when I'm gone

Cal: yeah but they're never away at college or some job

Cal: before all this started we used to be so close. I used to be able to tell her everything

Mikey: even about the wet dreams?

Lukey: shut up mike

Cal: anyway, I guess I just don't won't to loose her.

Lukey: I'm pretty sure she wouldn't ever leave even if you wanted her too

Mikey: I've known you the longest cal and ever sense we were little I could tell that you and Mali Koa had a special relationship, I've always envied that. I may not be able to understand exactly how you feel, giving that I'm and only child but still. You and Mali are inseparable

Mikey: and even though you guys don't get to see each other as much doesn't mean that things aren't the same. You both still care about each other and that's all that matters. Just focus on the good times. don't even stress that one of you will leave because you cant. She cant. you know why? Bc she's you're sister.... I'm pretty sure it'd be kinda hard to

Lukey: Listen man, you gotta stop trying to be inspirational because that, what you just said.... makes no sense at all really.

Cal: no, it kinda does actually

Mikey: !!!

Cal: just a little though.

Mikey: :/

Cal: but thanks you guys

Ash: you're welcome Calum

Lukey: I didn't really help but you're welcome :)

Mikey: I did about 99% of the work here so you're very much welcome my friend.

Cal: dork

Mikey: shut up

Cal: you guys should come over now

Lukey: rightyho

Ash: I'll pick up Mikey

Mikey: I really need to get my own license

Cal: I love you guys


Lukey: xxxx

Ash: love you too Cal


Guess who's back

Back again

5SOS Text Messages |bromances| ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora