Fuck marry kill ::Cake::

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Cal: lukey

Luke: Cally

Cal: I'm bored play a game with me

Luke: we're literally In the same room can't you just talk to me?

Cal: no because it's funner this way.

Luke: funner is not a word.

Cal: I don't care. So what should we play?

Luke: truth or dare?

Cal: nah, too mainstream. Fuck marry kill?

Luke: sure, you go first.

Cal: Tyler Oakley, Alex Gaskarth, Miley Cyrus

Luke: Fuck: Alex
Marry: Tyler
kill: Miley Cyrus bc Shes a girl Ew

Calum: fair enough.

Luke: Katy perry, will smith, Nash Grier

Cal: Fuck: Katy perry
Marry: will smith
Kill: Nash Grier

Luke: Nash kinda hot tho

Cal: other two are hotter

Luke: tru

Cal: Niall, me, Michael

Luke: Fuck: Niall
Marry: ...you
Kill: Michael bc he stole my Cheetos

Cal: you want to marry me?

Luke: well if it came down to you three...

Cal: you could've chose to fuck me, but you'd marry me.

Luke: because with marrying I'd get to kiss, fuck, and cuddle you.

Calum: do you like me luke?

Luke: God, could I be any more obvious?! I stare at you during interviews and twitcams, I always choose you for stuff, I'm always cuddling you! Yes, I like you Calum. This is not the way i wanted to tell you ugh.

Luke: Pls answer me cal. We're still best mates.

Cal: sorry I was wanking.

Cal: but foreal, you should've told me. I like you too, Luke (:

Luke: Omfg you're kidding right. Am I dreaming.

Cal: no, dumbass. There's a reason I say yes to your cuddles.

Luke: I'm so happy oh my god

Cal: come cuddle me now, come to my bunk.

Luke: on my way sweetie xx

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