Scratches ::ot4::

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Mikey: hey guys

Cal: hi Mike

Ash: hellooo

Lukey: hey

Cal: how's your back Lukey XD

Mikey: what happened to your back

Lukey: Calum happened to my back, that's what

Ash: what?

Cal: we had sex last night

Mikey: oh

Ash: erm...... for why?

Lukey: celebratory sex for winning an AMA

Ash: ohhhh

Mikey: dude why didn't we think of that!?

Ash: I'm not having sex with you Michael.

Mikey: .-.

Mikey: you're no fun :/

Ash: so your back hurts because you had sex?

Lukey: he scratched me

Mikey: kinky

Cal: ;)

Ash: doesn't that hurt?

Lukey: fuck yeah! But it's awesome

Ash: .... Alrighty then

Cal: how are they today?

Lukey: *image attached*

Mikey: Jesus Christ!! Damn Cal, you have claws or something?!

Ash: dude those are fucking bleeding!

Ash: how are you not in pain?!

Lukey: I am in pain but it's worth it because it's how Calum marked me. He made me his

Cal: aw baby. I love you

Lukey: lub chuu too

Mikey: I don't know whether to aww or gag bc you guys are so gross

Ash: at least we finally agree on something

Mikey: but it is kinda hot

Ash: annnnnd you lost me.

Lukey: lol

Mikey: no but really Ash.....

Mikey: just think about it

Ash: no thank you

Mikey: come on, you don't want to think about pounding into me with you big cock and me marking up your back cause your making me feel so good?

Cal: *insert Jesus Christ

Lukey: I'm dying XD

Ash: Michael stop.

Cal: ohhhhh someone's getting dominant

Ash: fuck you calum.

Michael: I want to mark you up Daddy. I want to make scratches down your back while you ruin me.

Cal: woah okay this is getting a tad much

Cal: I think ima go now

Lukey: same

Lukey: erm have fun talking....

*Cal has left the chat*

*lukey has left the chat*

Ash: Michael what the fuck! You can't do that

Mikey: why not ?

Mikey: are you hard Daddy?

Ash: get over here now.

Mikey: I'm on my way


Cake and mashton! yes!!!! I was going to make a oneshot for this but 1) I don't feel like it and 2) I have so much mashton smut in that book already lol

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