Say You Love Me pt2 ::malum::

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Mikey: Hey Cal, wanna hang out today?

Cal: I can't today Mike, I'm going out with Connor. It's our 4 months anniversary!!

Mikey: oh, alright. Have fun.

*next day*

Mikey: Hi

Cal: hey, what's up?

Mikey: nothing really, I'm just bored.

Mikey: you?

Cal: watching tv with Connor :)

Mikey: sounds funn

Mikey: I got tickets to see Big Hero 6, you wanna come?

Cal: yeah! that sounds fun, Connor said he wanted to see that

Mikey: I only have 2 tickets

Cal: aw Michael! You would give up your tickets for me Connor?! That's so cute

Mikey: actually um....

Cal: I'll be over to pick them up soon! Thanks mike!

Mikey: um your welcome..

*next day*

Mikey: hi

Cal: Hey Mike! The movie was fucking awesome! You should have been there

Mikey: .....

Cal: what?

Mikey: I would have been there if that idiot Connor didn't come!

Cal: Connor is not an idiot!

Cal: and you're the one who offered the tickets!

Mikey: I offered the tickets to you and only you. I wanted to see the movie with you! But instead you took both my tickets and then had the nerve to take your prick boyfriend along!

Cal: what the fuck is wrong with you Michael?!

Mikey: Nothing's wrong with me! what's wrong with you!?

Cal: there isn't anything wrong with me! or my boyfriend!

Mikey: your boyfriend is a dick Calum

Cal: no he isn't! why do you hate him so much?? You were the one who set me up with him!

Mikey: that was before I knew how much of a dick he was!

Cal: he's not a dick Michael you are.

Mikey: Break up with him.

Cal: excuse me?

Mikey: I said break up with him.

Cal: fuck no

Cal: what's wrong with you!?

Mikey: I'm trying to help you Calum alright! You think he's the perfect little boy friend but guess what? He isn't. He's not the right guy for you!

Cal: oh really! Then who's the right guy for me?

Mikey: not him!

Cal: you're an asshole Michael.

Mikey: He cheated on you

Cal: don't lie

Mikey: I'm not lying Cal. I swear on my xbox that he cheated on you.

Cal: you never swear on you xbox for anything.

Mikey: I know

Cal: that fucking asshole!

Mikey: i know

Cal: how long has he been cheating on me?

Mikey: how long have you been dating now?

Cal: oh my god

Cal: am I not a good enough boyfriend? What did I do wrong?

Mikey: Babe you didn't do anything wrong. It's that assholes fault. You deserve someone who treats you much better

Cal: someone like you?

Mikey: someone like me.

Cal: why didn't you just tell me? We could have avoided all of this!

Mikey: I don't know

Cal: are you in love with me?

Mikey: Calum, I love you so fucking much. I know a year ago when you told me you loved me I said I was straight but I'm not. I didn't want to admit to myself that I had feelings for a boy. For you. I thought that setting you up with Connor, I would be doing myself a favor. But when I see you guys together it sucks. Do you know how much it hurts seeing the person you're in love with kiss and hold someone that isn't you? It hurts a whole fucking lot Calum. And I was so stupid for not just telling you in the first place.

Cal: yeah you are stupid

Mikey: do you still have feelings for me?

Cal: I'm honestly not even sure....

Mikey: Please Calum, just say you love me.

Mikey: cal?

*next day*

Cal: This whole time I had thought I was dating the love of my life. The one who always made me happy. The one who was perfect for me. But he wasn't, because the love of my life has been here right in front of me. I love you Michael. I always have and I always will.

Mikey: I love you to Calum

Mikey: so fucking much

Cal: Hey Mikey?

Mikey: yes?

Cal: let's go to the movies

Mikey: oh um alright. I thought we were Gavin a cute sentimental moment but yeah we can go if you want

Cal: big hero 6?

Mikey: you just saw that

Cal: I know but I wanna see it with my beautiful boyfriend.

Mikey: (: That would be amazing

Cal: I'll pick you up alright :)

Mikey: I love you

Cal: I love you too xx forever and always


Do you hear my crys because of how bad this sucks ass. This sucks ass more than any gay person. I'm sorry :-(

I wrote half of this at like 3am then I woke up and finished it while I was still half asleep. :/ so yeah sorry

I probably won't be able to update again till later tonight because I have to go to my paps retirement party. I'm gunna get turnt up at a retirement party ayyyee!!

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