See You In 5? ::ot4::

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Cal: guys guess what...

Mikey: what!?

Lukey: huh?

Ash: what is it Calum?

Cal: I'm reading smut.. ;)

Lukey: what??

Mikey: SERIOSLY !??!

Ash: why would you do that?

Cal: I was curious...

Lukey: wait wait wait

Lukey: I'm lost. What is this "smut"

Mikey: it's like porn people write about us. V sexual

Ash: indeed.

Lukey: ohhh

Cal: yeahhh

Cal: the one I was reading had like all of us in it though. Like we were all doing eachother.

Lukey: ew why?

Mikey: don't know Lucas

Ash: who i was I doing?

Cal: uh you where doing luke

Cal: and then it was me and mikey

Ash: figures it always lashton

Lukey: what if I don't want to have sex with ashton then what?

Mikey: well first off it's only a made up thing.

Ash: why wouldn't you have sex with me??!

Luke: you seem v vanilla.

Cal: ohhhhhhhh

Mikey: burn sonn

Ash: I'm not vanilla ! I'm like peppermint ! Hot and cool and spicy and I taste amazing in your mouth.

Mikey: oh damn

Lukey: mmhm sure you are.

Cal: I could give you what you need lukeypoo ;)

Ash: nooooooo IM NOT VANILLA !

Lukey: prove it.

Mikey: 0.0

Cal: you can sense the sexual tension...

Ash: maybe I will.

Lukey: good.

Lukey: be at mine in 5

Mikey: oh damn

Cal: oh shit

Cal: is this really happening!?

Mikey: oh my oh my wow just okay

Cal: well now I feel left out kinda... I wanna have freaky hot sex. ):

Mikey: o.O

Ash: you guys can join ;)

Ash: make that smut come true.

Mikey: ffs

Cal: I'm going...

Mikey: really!?

Cal: common mikey! If you don't go then it will be an odd number and we won't have as much fun!

Mikey: I'm not even gay...

Ash: so

Ash: nether are we but who the fuck cares.

Mikey: ugh

Mikey: I'm not bottoming

Cal: I'm fine with that ;)

Lukey: see you guys in 5 ?

Mikey: yup.


(A/N) These group chats always end so sexual 😂😂 oh well haha

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