Crush ::lashton::

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REQUEST: lukes going to sing to ashton and confess his love for him but he can't stop worrying so he texts his friends


Lukey: guys ashton said he is coming over in like 15 minutes.

Lukey: I can't do this.

Cal: Yes you can luke, don't back out now

Lukey: no because I don't even know if he is gay! What if he hates me?!

Mikey: he would never hate you luke

Mikey: did you figure out what song you're gunna sing to him?

Lukey: Crush -David Archuleta

Lukey: is it to cliché

Lukey: oh my gosh it is isn't it?!

Mikey: I'm sure he will love it luke

Cal: yeah just calm down everything will be fine (:

Lukey: what if I mess up the song?

Mikey: you won't!

Lukey: what if he hates the whole thing!?!

Lukey: oh my gosh what if he hates me!?!


Cal: calm down. He will love it, don't worry.

Lukey: but what if he doesn't ??

Mikey: but he will so stop worring

Cal: what are you going to do after you sing to him?

Lukey: well the song pretty much says it all but I was going to like tell him how I've loved him for all these years and stuff.

Lukey: I don't know if I can do it though guys.

Mikey: I don't know why you are getting so worked up it's just ashton.

Lukey: I know but in my mind it's not just ashton, it's the guy I've loved for 3 years and I want to make sure I really show him how much i really do love him.

Cal: aw Lukey he will love it though, he loves everything you do so it will be fine (:

Mikey: isn't that right ashton? ;)

Lukey: what?

Ash: that is very true michael.

Lukey: ... What the fuck!?

Lukey: did you guys add him to the chat!?!

Cal: no we didn't. You texted the group chat you dork

Ash: so you're going to confess your love for me? (;

Lukey: uh no? Uh i mean like I was supposed to but if that's weird then I won't do it......I'm sorry I've fucked this whole thing up

Ash: no no no luke. It sounds really nice. I'm gunna love it, I mean I already know whats going on but I will love it none the less bc I like you luke. And just like cal said, I really do love everything you do. you could slap and in the face with a fish but I'm sure I'll love it because you were the one slapping me... Get it??

Lukey: so you do like me then??..

Ash: I've liked you ever sense we started the band.

Cal: technically you wernt in the band when it started sooo but go on...

Ash: ^^ right as I was saying I really do like you luke and I think your adorable and you have a really nice face haha and your personality it's amazing. I love everything about you, I love you Luke Hemmings

Lukey: I love you too Ashton Irwin.



Lukey: hahah

Lukey: so are you still coming over or?

Ash: of course I still want to be serenaded by my beautiful boyfriend.

Lukey: boyfriend?

Ash: yeah well I like you you like me

Ash: so luke will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?

Lukey: of course, I would love too Ashton

Ash: I love you so much luke xxxx

Cal: that's so cute


Okay so thank you for requesting this it was cute and I hope you like it 😁

I loved the prompt but I'm not to sure if I like my writing but whatever haha xx

Don't forget to leave your message request down in the comment ! Xx

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