Stupid Dream Boy ::lashton::

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Luke: hey

Ash: helloooo

Luke: haha whats up?

Ash: I just got done helping Harry with his homework, you?

Luke: uh nothing really

Luke: I need your advice on something...

Ash: aw sure man, whats up ??

Luke: okay well there is this person I like and I'm really close to them. I've been close to them for some while now and I have some serious feeling for them. They are so beautiful and they have the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. They are like a hazel green. sometimes I just like to look at them. I could probably stare at them forever and ever but that would be kinda weird. They have about one million different laughs and my heart flutters at every single one. It's just so beautiful. They also have beautiful dirty blonde hair, and it's curly and cute and it makes them look that much more attractive. I've been close with this person for around 3 years now and I have loved them sense I first saw then. I want to be their boyfriend but I don't know how to ask them. And I don't know if they are... gay.

Ash: Lucas, honestly if you tell them everything you just said I'm sure they would be delighted to be your boyfriend.

Luke: really?

Ash: I know it (:

Ash: I really want to stay and talk to you but I'm getting ready for a date with this girl ;)

Luke: oh

Luke: yeah okay I'll um talk to you later I guess

Ash: text you later! I hope you get your dream man lukey.

Luke: I doubt that's possible now....


Aw I feel bad for lukey. :( he obviously loves ashton. Stupid ashton for not figuring it out.

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