Pills ::malum::

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REQUEST: Calum takes Michaels jacket when he leaves in the morning, he ends up finding a surprise in the coat pocket.


Mikey: did you take my black jacket?

Cal: yeah, it was cold before I left so I threw it on.

Cal: why do you need it for something?

Mikey: erm I was just kinda cold

Cal: right. You need to jacket because you're cold, not because of the bottle of diet pills I found in the pocket?

Mikey: ....

Cal: why the fuck do you have diet pills Michael?! Why the fuck do you feel the need to fucking have them!?!

Mikey: i don't know

Cal: obviously you know Michael, it's you're fucking jacket so they're your stupid pills and you better tell me why the hell you have them.

Mikey: I don't use them

Cal: Stop lying to me Michael! There are only like 5 pills left in the damn thing. I'm not stupid so stop lying and just tell me the truth!

Mikey: I need them bc I need to lose weight.

Cal: that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Mikey: the doctor told me I need to be around 67kg I'm at like 79 right now. He said it was best if I would lose weight.

Cal: well that doctor is a fucking idiot.

Mikey: no he's not Calum, if he says I need to lose weight then I need to lose weight.

Cal: no Michael you don't need to lose any weight at all!

Mikey: yeah, my stomach sticks out too far and my legs are too big. It's just a little more weight I need to lose.

Cal: Kitten, you are gorgeous. Your stomach is perfect. Your legs are perfect. Everything about you is so fucking beautiful. You don't need to lose weight and even if you did you don't ever use stupid pills. I'm taking these stupid pills and I'm throwing them in the trash.

Mikey: please don't Calum, I need them please

Cal: no you don't sweetheart. Please stop doing this to yourself. You think you are so ugly but in reality you are the most gorgeous person I know.

Mikey: No. I'm hideous. I have fucking curves Calum! I'm a boy I'm not supposed to have curves. I have fat rolls and and I jiggle and I'm just gross no wonder I'm the ugly one in the group.

Cal: I love your curves

Mikey: well I don't Calum.

Mikey: I just want to be perfect.

Cal: Nobody's perfect Michael, but you are already pretty damn close. You may not think so but I do. I love your body so much and you don't need to use stupid pills to make yourself 'perfect' those pills are going to do nothing for you. You are fine sweetheart, you are beautiful to me and everyone else around you. You have to stop putting these images in your head that your 'fat' or 'chubby' because you aren't. You are perfectly imperfect.

Mikey: just please don't throw away the pills though Calum.

Cal: oh I won't. You will.

Cal: I'm coming back over and we are flushing all these horrid things do you hear me?

Mikey: yes Calum

Cal: good, I'll be over in 10 minutes

Mikey: alright

Cal: I love you Michael, I'm just trying to do whats right and help you



It was short yeah but the oneshot continuation of it will be posted soon ! so go to my other book to check it out later.

Don't forget to comment/vote/share this book! Xxxx

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