• thirty eight •

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Y/n's POV:

"She's alive and she's stable." The doctor smiled, the tiredness evident in his eyes.

My heart leapt for joy and I nodded towards Cassandra to follow me with Nova. We entered Harley's room and she smiled weakly when she saw us.

"Hey." I rasped, kissing her lips softly.

"Hey." She grinned.

"Do you want to hold our daughter?" I took Nova from Cassies arms, smiling down at her. Harley nodded, tears already falling down her cheeks as I set Nova in her arms. Harley smiled down at the infant, kissing her forehead tenderly.

"She's beautiful." Harley mumbled.

I nodded, admiring them both. It was such a soft moment to capture and I knew this would be a memory I'd look back on in the future.

"She looks just like you." I chuckled, hearing Harley laugh waterly.

"Wheres Tobias?"

I licked my lips, a lump forming in my throat, "He was rushed to surgery because he has a small hole in his heart."

"Is he going to be okay?" Harley rushed out.

"The doctors said they were going to inform me soon." I sighed, not liking having to sit with my thoughts, but I also understood. They were saving my sons life, they couldn't be out here holding my hand. I just hope that he was going to be alright.

Harley nodded, "You should get your injuries looked at now before the infection gets worse."

I gave her a hesitant look, wondering if she wanted me to stray for a little bit. Harley nodded, being able to know what I was thinking.

"we'll be okay. If I need you, you'll know."

I nodded, getting up and kissing her lips and then kissing Novas head. Cassandra rushed over and hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm glad you're back." She mumbled in my shirt. I smiled softly, ruffling her hair and she pouted, fixing it before I left the room. Before I went to find a nurse, I went back to the waiting room to grab Sasha.

"You want to talk about what happened?" Sasha asked softly, leading me towards and empty hall.

I blew out a breath, shaking my head.

"Y/n, you're shaking right now." Sasha stepped forward and grabbed my cheeks so I would look at her.

"I don't know what happened. They kept hitting me and putting me through all these tests. I didn't know how I was going to get out and then I started thinking about how shitty of a mom I'd be if I didn't watch my kids be born. I had to escape and it all built up to the point where I exploded. Literally. I blew up a power plant and left a crater in the ground."

"If you hadn't you don't know that you would be here right now." Sasha mumbled.

"This is exactly why I wanted to get rid of my powers. What if everything gets to me again and I explode and kill you or Harley, the twins for god sake!"

"I don't think you'd let yourself hurt the ones you love. That's not who you are."

I scoffed, "Look at who my father is. He paid those men to kidnap and experiment on me."

"You're not your father. You are so much better than him and I know you'll be a good mother and partner to Harley. You have two beautiful children and you adopted another beautiful child. You're doing far better than your father is."

"What makes you say that?" I asked softly.

"Because you're not alone." She replied firmly.

After a moment I nodded my head, pulling my best friend into a tight hug.

"Come on, let's get a nurse to look at your wounds."


We were finally clear from the hospital and Tobias was in good shape, the hole in his heart fixed with no complications what so ever. Nova was also healthy too, and Harley was feeling much better now that we were home.

It felt nice to shower, to scrub off all the blood and sweat from my skin. I felt human again, and yet at the same time I didn't know who I was when I looked in the mirror. I didn't look like me, and maybe what I could do, the power I had inside of me, scared me.

The first night home I didn't sleep, I couldn't. Nova and Tobias cried and I got up to put them back down so Harley could rest. After that I laid back down with Harley cuddled tightly against me. I couldn't shut my eyes for the life of me.

"How'd you sleep last night?" Harley asked, hopping onto the kitchen counter where the twins sat in their little car seats.

I yawned, beginning to make some coffee, "I haven't had a chance to sleep yet."

"Pumpkin." Harley sighed. I shook my head and smiled at her, "It's okay, Harles. Our kids are home, you're home and I'm home.. I'm just excited."

Harley grinned, "Me too."

I poured myself some coffee while Harley took the twins to feed them in the living room. I smiled fondly at them, greeting Cassandra when she came out of her room, freshly waking up.

"Morning." She yawned.

"Breakfast?" I asked.

She nodded, "I'm thinking some waffles."

"Good choice." I smirked, taking a sip of my coffee and setting the cup down to grab the things I needed to cook with.

"Thank you." Cassie blurted out, "For adopting me and taking care of me. I know I'm a handful and it's not easy, so thank you. And thank you for loving me even though I'm different, and for giving me siblings."

I nudged her gently, smiling at her, "You're welcome. I'm gonna support you no matter what type of person you become and what you want to do with your life. I love you, kid."

Cassie sniffled, her face hiding behind her bed head hair, hugging me, "I love you too."

Harley smiled coming into the kitchen carrying both the twins. I smiled and took Nova out of her arms, kissing her cheek lightly.

"My beautiful girl."

Ember ; Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now