• twenty nine •

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Y/n's POV:

One month later.

My eyes slowly peeled open when Harley rushed out of bed and into the bathroom. I glanced over at the clock to see it was three in the morning. It had been about a month and she was throwing up at ungodly hours of the morning.

I sighed and tossed the covers off me, padding into the bathroom and rubbed her back softly, holding her hair back so she wouldn't get puke in it.

"Baby." I cooed while she continued to throw up and heave. When she was done, she flushed the toilet and began crying.

"I-I hate puking!" She sobbed.

"Do you feel okay besides the morning sickness?" I asked, looking her body up and down. Her eating habits had changed drastically, she was always craving some weird stuff so maybe her diet changing was the cause.

"I just have cramp pains sometimes." Harley mumbled, rubbing her stomach. I helped her off the floor and put tooth paste on her toothbrush.

"Maybe you're gonna start your period soon. It's around that time of the month isn't it?" I asked, walking back into the bedroom to check the calendar on my phone. I liked to know when she was supposed to start her cycle, because then I could get all the snacks I knew she loved before hand.

My breath hitched in my throat when I checked the calendar. She was almost a full two weeks past when she was supposed to start her period. Harley came back in the room and I locked my phone.

I kissed her cheek before we both settled in bed again. While she fell asleep, my mind wouldn't shut off. She couldn't be pregnant could she? Because that would mean.. fuck no!

I glanced over and when I knew she was deep in slumber, I got out of bed and put on my running clothes before grabbing my headphones.

I put my music on shuffle and started my jog, gradually increasing speed the more I thought about the possibility she was pregnant with Jokers kid.

I stopped on the bridge I fought him on, gripping the railing in my hands and melting the bars. I took a step back, calming myself down as much as I could.

Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. Morning sickness was a sign of pregnancy, and she's been throwing up for the past month.

I didn't even know if I wanted kids, maybe I did but how would I feel raising the Jokers baby? I'd practically be inviting the spawn of satan in my home.

Taking a few more breaths, I ran the rest of the way back to my apartment at a slow pace, seeing it was a little past four. I slipped my clothes off and took a quick hot shower before climbing in next to Harley.


"Look at the puppies!" Harley cooed while we watched tv on the couch. Cassandra was over, eating all my food but I had enough money to last me ten lifetimes so I didn't mind. I knew she was having a tough time with her new foster parents so she spent most of time either here, or with the birds of prey.

My phone pinged in my pocket, a text from Sasha telling me she was bored and wanted to hang.

"Oo y/n's texting her side hoe!" Cassandra joked around a mouthful of crackers.

"What?" Harley furrowed her eyebrows. I glared at Cassandra, shaking my head at Harley while I stuffed my phone in my pocket.

"It's just Sasha. Something happened at the warehouse and I have to make sure they didn't fuck up the shipment." I mumbled.

Harley pouted, looking like she didn't really believe me but chose to let it go, "Okay. Hurry back, we haven't spent that much time together."

I hummed, already halfway out the door.


"Do you think I would be a good mom?" I asked out of the blue, higher than a kite as Sasha and I laid on her living room floor.

"Nobody is ever really a good mom. But, I think it would be cute to see you try. You and Harley thinking of adopting or?"

I shook my head, "Do you think she's pregnant?"

Sasha gave me a confused look, "Is she?"

I shrugged, "She's been getting sick for the past month. I don't know."

"Well then if she is, you know it's his right?"

My jaw clenched and I nodded, "Yeah, that's the shitty part."

"Maybe you should make an appointment to see? It might ease your worries."

"If she is then it's confirmed it's Jokers, I don't know if I want that to be real." I mumbled, uncapping my water before taking a sip.

"Have you talked to Harley about it?"

I shook my head, "I've been distancing myself while I think about it."

Sasha snorted, "Well that's stupid of you."

I groaned, sitting up and packing a bowl.

"I'll talk to her after I smoke this."


"Harles, can we talk?" I called out to her as I leaned against the doorframe.

"That sounds serious. Is everything okay?" She turned off the tv and patted the spot next to her. I slowly walked over towards her, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"This is going to be really out there.. but I think you might be pregnant."

Harley sucked in a breath, "But then if I was that would mean-"

"-I know."

Harley nodded, looking away from me, "we should get a test done to see."

I nodded, pulling out my phone to make the call. Harley watched me as I spoke to the person at the doctors office, ending it when the call was over.

"We have an appointment tomorrow at three."

Harley nodded and mumbled out a small okay before she turned on her side so her back was facing me. I blew out a breath and shrugged off my jacket, curling in beside her.

"We're going to be okay, right?" Harley asked. I kissed the back of her neck and hesitantly nodded. I felt like I was going to be sick myself.

Harley placed her hands on top of mine and rested then on her stomach. I wanted to flinch back, not wanting to think about Jokers spawn being inside her stomach, leeching off her.

"I hope so." I mumbled.


"Y/n Wayne and Harleen Quinzel?" The nurse called and we both stood up. Harley squeezed my hand and I gave her a weak smile. My entire body was shaking I was so nervous, scared, on edge.

Of course he would get her pregnant. Did he know? Is that why he looked at me the way he did before he died? Because he knew that this would destroy me? That he would finally have won and succeed in making Harley his in every way?

The doctor walked in and when Harley squeezed my hand again is when I paid attention.

"It's okay, baby." I whispered before kissing her temple.

"I'm just going to place some gel on your stomach. It's going to be cold." The doctor said squeezing some gel on Harley's toned stomach, using a wand and rubbing it around.

The ebony doctor pushed up her glasses and turned the screen towards us, "Thats your baby. Looks like you're about six and half weeks along. The heartbeat is great and steady."

Harley smiled, tears falling down her face, "Thats our baby."

"We can set up an appointment and talk about what kinds of things you should eat and things you should stay away from. Have you been having morning sickness at all?"

Harley nodded, "Yeah. It's been happening for about a month."

"It should go away after the first trimester. In the meantime you guys are all set to leave, I'll have some pamphlets for you so that you can read."

"Thank you, Doctor." Harley smiled, squeezing my hand again and I nodded my head towards the Doctor.

"You're welcome guys, look forward to seeing you again soon."

Ember ; Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now