• thirteen •

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Harley's POV:

When I made it back to my apartment, I tossed the stuffed unicorn across the room and let out a loud angry yell. After that my legs swayed under me and the floor hit my knees. Tears ran down my face and Bruce trotted over to me with the stuffed unicorn.

I was just so frustrated about it! I mean that was a big deal and she couldn't think to tell me? I think I would tell whoever I was going on dates with that I was a mob boss with fire powers!

It all came down to trust and if she didn't trust me enough to tell me that, why should I trust her to catch me if I start falling?

I hugged the stuffed unicorn to my chest and cried silently. Bruce rested his head on my shoulder to comfort me.

Y/n's POV:

One week later.

I had officially moved into my own apartment with roof access a few days ago. My father was there the entire time Sasha and I were moving my stuff out, but he just talked to her. I didn't tell my dad Sasha was apart of my little mob, because I knew they had a good relationship and I didn't want to ruin that.

My father was the closest thing Sasha had to one and I knew she cared about him too. I've been moping around my place since, trying to think of a good way to apologize to Harley. I should have told her from the beginning, maybe sooner. I guess I thought I was just doing the right thing. I didn't know what was going to happen between us, and didn't want to tell her my alias.

I guess I didn't know if I could trust her.

Harley's POV:

I jumped in my skin when there was a knock on my apartment door. I set my bowl of cereal down and wrapped the blanket tighter around my shoulders. I peaked through the eye hole and my breath hitched in my throat when I saw who it was. She looked like she hadn't slept.

I swung the door open and y/n locked eyes with me. Yeah, she definitely looked like she hadn't slept. Purple bags practically hung under her sunken eyes.

"H-hey." y/n stuttered and my heart pounded in my chest.

"You look like shit." I commented. Y/n nodded, her chapped lips tugging upwards.

"I came to apologize. I should have told you I was Ember. I was just trying to protect myself."

"I don't accept apologies unless they're sealed with kisses." I huffed. Y/n smiled, leaning forward and catching my lips in a soft kiss. God it's been too long since my lips have been on hers. My heart nearly beat out of my chest, a zoo of butterflies erupting in my stomach.

"I really like you Harley and I didn't want something like that to come between us." Y/n spoke lowly, licking her lips.

I nodded, "I really like you too, pumpkin."

"Then, I'm hoping you say yes if I ask you to be my girlfriend?" Y/n sunk her teeth into her bottom lip and I gasped.


Y/n chuckled, "I hope so."

"I-I don't know, y/n... I'm scared." I fidgeted in my spot.

"Of what?"

"Of being happy. I'm scared that I'll just be what everyone is always talking about. You know psychologically, it's normal for people to be afraid to be happy again after they get their heart broken."

Y/n gave me a look of complete adoration and I had never seen that look before. Ever. It made me start to tear up, her hands placed on either side of my cheeks. She leaned forward and rested her forehead against mine.

"Who cares what other people think. You're Harley fucking Quinn. You're a bad bitch who tells facts and slams popcorn buckets on people's heads." She explained with a laugh.

I let out a watery laugh of my own, crying harder when y/n wiped my tears away.

"I like you as you are. I like you with all the baggage you carry and I'll certainly like you if you were the person everyone talks about."

"Will you feel the same way about me in a few years?" I asked shyly.

"No, I'll feel even more for you in a few years. If I didn't want this, I wouldn't be here."

"Okay." I nodded, leaning up to ghost my lips over hers, "Just... no promises of forever. Promise me right now instead."

"Then I promise." Y/n whispered before closing the gap between us in a sweet kiss.

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