(Y/n):"Uh hi, names-"

Kanzashi:"(Y/n), from class one"

(Y/n):"Yeah that's me, and I would like to ask you if -"

Kanzashi:"Just leave me alone"

She slams the door on you.

(Y/n):"Now that was awfully rude"

You have two options to either try again or walk away, since this is a favor you are going to try again.

(Y/n):"One more time"

You knock once more but what caught you by surprise was when she slammed the door open.

Kanzashi:"What the hell do you want!?!"

(Y/n):"Alright now that I've got you attention Kanzashi, all I want to do is ask-"

Kanzashi:"Don't call me by my first name"

(Y/n):"Sarashiki, I just want to ask you a ques-"

Kanzashi:"Don't call me by my last name either"

(Y/n):"Can you let me finish a sent-"

Kanzashi:"You know I'm within my right to punch you in the face right now, but that would be a waste of effort."

You began to rub the bridge of your nose in order to relieve some stress since she was starting to get on your nerves.

Ichika:"Hi there Kanzashi, so are you going to be my partner for the upcoming tournament?"

Kanzashi:"Don't call me by my-"

(Y/n):"Yeah, yeah, we get it don't call you by your first or last name.  Yeah not so fun when your interrupted huh."

Ichika:"If not I can't call her by her name what do I call her"

(Y/n):"How about brat or child because that's how she's been acting."

Ichika:"Now (Y/n) that's not nice"

(Y/n):"Oh give me a break, the kid didn't even let me finish a sentence earlier all she did was give me a hard time.  I tried it the nice way but she wouldn't listen and now I've got to be the bad guy in order for her to talk to me"

Before you know it you've been slapped by her, it didn't really hurt but it shut you up.

(Y/n):"Alright you get that one for free but it still doesn't excuse- and she slamming the door.  FUCK."

You didn't notice until it was too late that your foot was too close to the door when she slammed it, crushing it.

Ichika:"(Y/n) are you okay"

(Y/n):"Yeah Just peachy, it's just that my foot's stuck under the door it's no big deal"


(Y/n):"You think"

You manage to get your foot out and check to see if anything was broken, nothing was.  You've had enough so you began to head back to your room with Ichika following you.

Ichika:"Is your foot okay"

(Y/n):"Yeah it's fine, probably bruise though"

Ichika"So, where are we going"

(Y/n):"To our room"

You open the door to find that Tatenashi was wearing only an apron.

Tatenashi:"Welcome home (Y/n), would you like dinner, a bath, or . would . . you . . . like . . . me~"

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