2.1 Kim Jungkook

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"But what if, I am a family?" He snickers.

"What does that even mean?" Asked Jungkook, brows furrowed. His patience's growing thin.

This Seokjin in front of him really getting on his nerves, irritating him to the point he want to ditch him or maybe awarding him with a slap. Try him once more and he'll definitely do that.

Seokjin leaned back, smiling to his ears. "I'm not telling that to a stranger. Who knows if you can keep the secret or not."

Jungkook sighed, sipping the water from the long stems glass. "Fine."

"Anyway, they'll serving the food in a while. Don't leave yet. It'll impossible for me to finish them all." Seokjin gesture his fingers, calling the waitress.

"You still want to eat?" I don't want. Please let's just end this shit.

"Why not? Its not easy to get a reservations in this place."

Jungkook looking around at their surroundings, "I dont think so, looking at how empty this place today. You've booked the whole place, correct?"

"Hahaha! You've got quite good sight on you."

Seokjin's windshield laughing somehow really annoys him. "Am I a fool to you?"

"Well, you know yourself better."

"You are rude, while here I am trying to be courtesy with you. Please stop behaving like an immature teen or I'll probably really leaving you to eat alone."

"Oh, really? So, is this what you call courtesy? Purposely coming late than the promised time, glaring at me with lips twitching and fists clenching. You might think to punch me with that cute fists. Am I right, Mr. Kim Jungkook?"


Jo, 252, 090421, 0317

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