13.2 Pretense

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"You don't really have to go.. They're not like what they looks like.. I mean, they can be harsh to you.." said Jungkook after the brother left.

Seokjin raise his hand, caressing his cheek. "You think they can bully me, baby?"


"You do really care about me or just another pretense?"

"I am not pretending.. I just don't want them to hurt you..We just met and I don't want this to make you uncomfortable around me.."

Seokjin smiles. He lean lower to Jungkook's height, whispering into his ear, "No one can hurt me the way you did. And no, I'm not letting you to do that again." he finished the sentences with sucking on his earlobe.

Jungkook shuddered. He shut his eyes, biting his lower lips. "... I.. I'm sorry..." he mewled, seeking for apologise.

Seokjin retreats, eyes on him. Pleasure to see the red colour of Jungkook's cheek. "Not forgiving until you make it up for it."

"Wh-what should I do...?"

"Be my husband.."

Jungkook silenced for a while, thinking. "How.. To be.. Your husband..?"

"I don't know. Maybe you can start with fulfilling your responsibility to take care of me and.. My needs...?" he said with a smirks all over his face.

Jungkook flinched. His eyebrows wrinkle in confusion. "But I dont— Do I.. Deserve to be with you..?"

Seokjin chuckles. He likes him. So much. Jungkook may looks innocent to others, but not in his eyes. For him, Jungkook is a shady man, a trickster, filled with tricks and nasty, distasteful plans under his sleeves. And so he knew Jungkook is the one for him, but of course, he did not believe in him, not yet.

But well, it wouldn't hurt to play along with him, for a bit, right?

"You're a perfect match for me, Kim Jungkook sshi~"


Jo, 293, 180421, 0105

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-the salty Jo.

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