7.2 Math and Sex

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"I know him?? Who??" Taehyung looking up at Seokjin. He sees a bright smiles on his lovely brother's face and his heart immediately filled with happiness.

"He's your brother in law. Jeon Jungkook."

Taehyung stops. Again.

"Jeon.. Jungkook???" he was shocked.

Seokjin nods. The lawn of their house suddenly seems too big and taking them too long to reach the house.

"That Jeon Jungkook that ran after marrying you three years ago??"


Taehyung gasped. "Oh my fucking God!"


"Fuck language. Where is he?? I wanna meet him!"

"He just came back from Paris for a fashion show. So he's staying at a hotel for now."

"UwU~ did you stay with him??" his eyebrows wriggling, teasing his brother.

"Haha. No. He didn't know me Taetae."

"What? Oh yeah. I remember. He didn't even look at you that day.. He just left. What a waste. He'll regret that."


"Hm.. But, hyung, you have to tell him. Don't take too long. You don't know how good sex is."

"What?!" Seokjin's face turns red of his brother's sudden comments.

"Haha.. I know you are still a virgin hyung. But make sure you are the top, okay. It's so good to be the top. Just come at me if you don't know what to do. I can teach you, for free. Hehe.."

"Kim Taehyung, have you forget that I have an 'X'??"

"Oh shit! Why did you remind me of that shit?? Wait! Don't tell me you have sex with that smelly poopoo!??"

Seokjin didn't answer. His arched eyebrow tells everything.

"You're the top, right???" Taehyung grins.

Seokjin roll his eyes, scoffed. "We, the Kim's, are born to top the world, Taetae." he smirks.



Jo, 280, 140421, 1640

I never update in the afternoon. But I did today, to make up for the one update only last night. Enjoy~

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