Apologies: Chapter 34

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Third Person's POV

Year 2015

"That'll be 5,000 won ma'am."

Eunbi hovered her hand onto her packet to get her wallet, opening it, her jaw almost dropped seeing only few bills that are not even half of what she should pay. Great. Now she needs to put off some of these foods just for her to be able to pay enough for it. She just sighed at the thought, exasperated, "Umm uhh.. Just remove the bread and the─"

"Add this," a girl cutted her hanging, smiling proudly at the cashier, her hand running in with a credit card and some canned coffee. "I'll pay for it all."

Eunbi turned her sight at her who's not even minding to throw her a glance, "I appreciate your kindness miss, but you don't need do that."

"Too late, it's been charged on my card," she objected, pausing then claiming back her card and finally looked at Eunbi this time, the latter choking on her own. Oh God, she's beautiful. "I'm just in a hurry and I cannot wait long in line you know, so yeah."

Geez she's too cocky.

The intruder didn't even wait for her response, upon priming herself up, her long strides began to march closer to the door, hair swaying in motion. And before Eunbi could even realize it, she's already meters away from the convenience store and there was Eunbi left in total dishevelment.

Her attitude and face don't match. It's like the combination of water and oil. Doesn't agree in any way, blending isn't an option either.

The clerk motioned to give Eunbi the plastic bag which has the comestibles she needed; bread, water, noodles, some fruits and a canned coffee.

Wait what?


Her brain doesn't cater memory of her getting a coffee.

Oh wait.. Miss credit card might have forgotten this?

She again fixated her look at the glass pane of the store which provided her to see the scene outside, but only to be greeted by random people running here and there as well as the busy cars of Seoul.

She's nowhere to be found.

No angel-like figure anywhere.

She looks cool but she's forgetful. Tss.

A mouthful of air traversed out Eunbi's mouth before she leaved the store. On the mid of her journey, crystalline cold beads of snow ran down her dainty cheeks.

The first snow fall.

Oh well, atleast she got all her needed stuffs for free with a bonus canned coffee.

Guess that this is her lucky day.


"Checkmate." a hamster-like girl smirked, designating the chess piece on the established tile of the board, the way her smiles curls up at the tip end of her lips was irritating the living hell out of Eunbi, "What now hmm?"

"Bish!" Eunbi's face went livid, for a good minute she just stayed stone not moving even an inch as if thinking of a great move. Then.. then... she snapped.

With all her accumulated annoyance, she tucked her hands beneath it and within a second, mercilessly flipped the helpless board. The chess pieces scrambling across the table turning into a pile of mess. "Scratch that game! I ain't gonna play chess with you again Kim Yewon!"

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